What Writers Can Learn From Politicians
by Bethany Jett, @BetJett I'd planned on posting Part 2 in the series of 11 Ways to Create a Sense of Place. However, on my drive home from a meeting tonight, all the similarities between writers and politicians flooded through my mind. It's amazing what goes through my brain when there…
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OverDrive.com: Read Free
by Bethany Jett, @BetJett I'm obsessed with reading lately. It comes in spurts and dry spells, but this last week especially, I've inhaled one after another. As Stephen King says, to be a good writer, you have to do two things: read a lot and write a lot. Ergo, reading…
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Am I a Product of the Past or the Future?
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Publishing is a tough business. It’s almost impossible to write anything for public consumption without feeling like you’re throwing your heart into the lion’s den. And I don’t know about you, but I give these negative comments a lot more credibility than the positive ones. The…
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The #Write31Days Challenge
by Bethany Jett, @BetJett It seems like there are a lot of fun writing challenges at the end of the year. For example, NaNoWriMo--National Novel Writing Month starts in November, and lots of people are using October to plan and outline for that 50,000-word race to the finish. Check out the post…
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The Writer’s Walk of Faith
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson As writers, we have chosen to follow a difficult path. I remember, after a particularly hard week, my husband remarked that he wished I’d chosen another career, something simple—like becoming a movie star. His comparison was more appropriate than he realized. Success, for both career choices…
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The “Exuberant Imperfection” of NaNoWriMo
By Johnnie Alexander, @Johnnie_Alexndr In a few weeks, writers throughout the world will embark on a month-long trek called National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo. Participants will write a 50,000-word, no editing allowed, novel during the already hectic month of November. I joined the challenge way back in 2003 when my writing…
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