Category: Writing Tips

  • Focus While You Write

    by Larry Leech @LarryJLeechII Focus can be one of the most … Did you just see that? That gray BMW almost rear-ended the car in the drive thru at Starbucks. That would have been a heckuva way to start the day. Focus. Focus. Focus. Sometimes that one word can be…

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  • 5 Steps For Beginning Writers

    By Heather Kreke @HKreke You’ve decided to take your writing from a hobby to a professional level. That’s great, but where do you start? Here are five steps to help you begin your journey. 1. Learn: Most careers require you to take continuing classes, writing is no different. Read books…

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  • Your Writer’s Bio

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson I'm always shocked by the bios I see at the end of blog posts and articles. It's like writers don't realize the importance of those words. That space is valuable real estate and so many of you are just growing weeds on it. Today I want to…

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  • Fiction that is Loved

    by Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted Everyone wants the novel that readers wrap their arms around and hug. It's so engaging, action-packed, and emotional that readers can't help but pass it along. Word of mouth is a beautiful thing – or a killer. It depends on the novel and how well it…

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  • A Writer’s One Word

    By Tammy Karasek @tickledpinktam I don’t know about you, my writer friend, but when I go to bed I’m exhausted—until my head hits the pillow. Then my eyes pop wide open as I think of a new scene or two or ten for my current fiction project. I grab my…

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  • Writing For The Felt Need Of Your Audience

    by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 “What is the felt need of your target audience?” I heard that question again and again at writers’ conferences. “Know what the felt need is, and write about it.” Great advice. But the phrase “felt need” seemed fuzzy in my brain. What exactly is it, and…

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