Contest Information

The 2025 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Contests Are OPEN!

(Please note that some of our rules have changed

and that we have added two new genres.

Read these instructions carefully.)

The 2025 contests officially open on November 1, 2024.

The BRMCWC contests and dessert banquet are among the many highlights of BRMCWC. Every year gets better than previous years and we know this year will be no exception.

Whether you are published already or will be in the future, we have two contests designed for you. Please note that most of the fees collected for the contest go to our BRMCWC Scholarship Fund, which enables talented writers with financial needs to attend the conference at a reduced price. When you enter the contest, you are sowing seeds you may never see harvested … but God knows. You are a part of a winning team just by entering!

Please read the guidelines carefully for both contests before submitting. We now use PayPal for payment. You do not have to have a PayPal account, your credit or debit card is sufficient to use the program, which is one of the most secured payment options in the world.

Ready? Set? Amaze us!

Eva Marie Everson
BRMCWC Contests Director

NOTE: While we check our email periodically throughout the week, most emails are not answered until Monday.

Contest 1: The Selah Awards (For Published Works)

Closes for publishers sending in the work:  Books must be received no later than Dec 31, 2024. Forms must include the agent (if applicable) and editor of the work. Audio books must include the name of the narrator and audio production company.
Closes for authors sending in the work: Books and online submissions must be received no later than January 10, 2025. Forms must include the agent (if applicable) and editor of the work. Audio books must include the name of the narrator and audio production company.

Contest 2: Foundation Awards (For unpublished works from those in attendance for the current year’s event):

All entries for the FOUNDATION AWARDS must be received not later than April 1, 2025.



Please Note: Entries that do not follow all rules will be disqualified.

Rules, Guidelines & Fees:

  • All Selah entries must have a physical, mailed, printed entry form. Do not email your entry form; it will not be printed. Without the mailed printed entry form, the entry will be disqualified. If you are submitting an online article, email the link but snail mail the entry form via USPS.
  • The Selah Awards are open to all published authors with works published between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 with either traditional or nontraditional publishers.
  • If your work is co-authored, both authors must sign the entry form. If you are the editor of an anthology, your signature alone will suffice.
  • Books that have been re-released by a publishing house different from the original house may not be entered.
  • Two books per title with PayPal-submitted entry fee must be received by the due dates. Entry fees of $55 per entry must be paid via PayPal (PayPal Buy button can be found at end of post) 
    • EXCEPTION: If you are entering your novel in the First Novel category, you will only need to enter a TOTAL of 2 (two) books.
  • Send books, “in print” articles, devotions, short stories, etc. along with printed entry form* to:
    Eva Marie Everson
    The Selah Awards
    504 Spoonbill Court
    Winter Springs, FL 32708
    *If you send your books directly from the publisher or an online bookstore, you must also mail your entry forms in an envelope clearly marked with the above address.
  • There are no refunds. Books will not be returned.
  • The author or author’s agent or publisher shall select the appropriate category for the work. We do not select categories for you.
  • One category per title (exception: First Novel and Audio Book, which may also be entered into the genre category).
  • Entries in “First Novel” are limited to authors who have not previously published a fiction title preceding that title.
  • There is no limit to the number of eligible titles an author may enter in each category.
  • All scores are final when returned from the judges and entered in the database. Scores are accessed by individual judges who score according to an established and upgraded guideline/score sheet. Scores and comments are not shared with the author(s).

Please study the genre categories carefully as we have added new categories. Not following the rules calls for automatic disqualification.

Categories are:

  • Audiobooks: Must come from and must include ONE free downloadable code. Do not send your work in any other format than Audible. (If your work finals, we will ask for a second code.) To enter your audio book, email the link along with the downloadable code to with “Audiobook Entry” in the subject line). Snail mail your form via USPS. Please include the narrator’s name on your form (you can write this in the “editors” section of the Selah Award form) and the genre of your book.
        • For Information on How to Send Audible Links, click here.
  • AnthologiesEntirebooks of short stories or works of short nonfiction must be sent with your story clearly marked.
  • Articles Published Online(Christian or Secular). Send a copy of the article’s link to with Selah/Articles Online in the subject line. Do not send links for online articles with any other online genre, such as online devotions. Send your entry form to the Selah Awards snail mail address and not to the email address.
  • Articles Published in Print (Christian or Secular). Send one copy of the article along with a copy of the magazine or newspaper cover to the address provided above. You may send a printed copy of the cover and the article. Do not send as a link.
  • Devotions in an individual book: (please note: the $55 fee covers up to threeindividual devotions which are judged separately.) Mail the entire book with your devotions clearly marked.
  • Devotions online: (please note: the $55 fee covers up to threeindividual devotions which are judged separately.) Email your devotions in one email to with “Selah/Online Devotions” in the subject line. You must include three separate forms per title, however. Send your entry forms by USPS.
  • Bible Studies
  • Children’s Picture Books
  • Children’s Literature(works beyond picture books and to middle grade)
  • Christian Life
  • Devotionals (A entire book of devotions)
  • Essays in Print: a work of nonfiction between 1,000 – 7,500 words of a true story that focuses on a central theme (example: works submitted to Chicken Soup for the Soul books). Mail entire book with your entry clearly marked plus entry form.
  • Essays Online: a work of nonfiction between 1,000 – 7,500 words of a true story that focuses on a central theme. Email your devotions in one email to with “Selah/Essays Online” in the subject line. Send your entry form by USPS.
  • Fiction
    • Amish: Explores Amish life (or similar, such as Mennonite), whether contemporary, historical, or suspenseful.
    • Contemporary Romance:a subgenre of romance novels generally set during contemporary times.
    • Contemporary Women’s: fiction that appeals to women set from the Vietnam War forward.
    • First Novel*: a novelist’s first work of published fiction may be entered here and in one of the fiction subcategories, but must include 2 books per genre (send 2 books per title only, that means if you are entering your First Novel in another category ALSO, you will only send a total of 2 books, not 4 books total)
    • General Fiction: a subgenre of fiction sometimes referred to as contemporary fiction, which focuses on the everyday experiences and conflicts of a protagonist, usually an adult male or female, with detailed characterization and background. Typically written for mature audiences with mature themes.
    • Historical or Biblical: a broad category of fiction in which the plot takes place in a setting during or preceding the Vietnam War (or during biblical times).
    • Historical Romance: a subgenre of romance novels set during or preceding the Vietnam War.
    • Mystery/Suspense: a work of fiction in which the main character is occupied in tracking down the truth about a crime. In a mystery, the reader is exposed to the same information as the detective, but in a suspense story, the reader is aware of things unknown to the protagonist.
    • Novella: novels with a word count of between 17,000 – 50,000 words.
    • Romantic Suspense: a subgenre of romance novels that involves an intrigue or mystery for the protagonists to solve.
    • Short Stories in Print: a work of fiction between 900 – 7,500 words. A short story usually focuses on one plot, one main character (with a few additional minor characters), and one central theme. Send entire book with your work clearly marked.
    • Short Stories Online: a work of fiction between 900 – 7,500 words. A short story usually focuses on one plot, one main character (with a few additional minor characters), and one central theme. Email your devotions in one email to with “Selah/Short Stories Online” in the subject line. Send your entry form by USPS.
    • Speculative: a genre of fiction that encompasses works in which the setting is other-worldly and involves supernatural, futuristic, or other imagined elements.
    • Western: a genre of fiction primarily set in the American Old West between the late eighteenth century and late nineteenth century and that tells the stories of cowboys, settlers, and outlaws exploring the western frontier while taming the Wild West.
    • *First Novels may be entered here and in one of the fiction subcategories, but must include 2 books per genre (or 4 books).
  • GeneralNonfiction: Christian/church topic (from history to theology to biography, etc.)
  • Inspiration & Gift: this genre is often defined as the type of book you’d give as a gift, not necessarily to be read in one sitting or in several consecutive sittings, or one that may be found on a coffee table. Example: After the Flowers Die, by Renee Leonard Kennedy.
  • Middle Grade Novels
  • Memoir
  • Podcasts:
        • Category One: Solo Podcast
        • Category Two: Co-hosted Podcast
        • Category Three: Interview Podcast

Podcast must be a current (monthly activity for the previous 12 months) show (non-offensive secular, faith-based, or writing related) created at least 12 months prior to submission..

  • Poetry Online & In Print:You may submit up to three poems from an online posting or in a book (submit entire book with your poems noted). If online, such as at a poetry website (but not your own website or blogpost), please send the link in an email but your entry form via USPS.
  • YA Fiction
  • YA Nonfiction

First, Second, and Third Places are chosen from groups with five or more entries. Categories with less than five will be combined with a similar genre.

The Selah Book of the Year is chosen from all first-place winners based on scores. This award is given to a fiction, a nonfiction, and a children’s book title.

Finalists are announced around or shortly after March 1 (all entrants will be notified before the announcement).

Winners for the Selahs are announced at the BRMCWC awards event and need not be present to win. We will notify all finalists as to how to attend (for those not attending the conference) or how to “watch online” a few weeks prior to the event.

Click here to Download and print the PDF version of the Entry Form


Copy and Print:

The Selah Awards


Author’s Name(s):




Narrator(s): (For Audio Books)

Agent (if applicable):

Category: (See list on contest page)

Genre (For Fiction):

Your Name:

Circle One:     Author             Agent              Publisher/Editor


E-mail Address:



Questions or Online Entries:

Mail Books to: The Selah Awards
504 Spoonbill Court
Winter Springs, FL 32708


Rules, Guidelines & Fees:

  • The entrant must be registered for the entire conference to compete.
  • There is a $35 entry fee for each submission. Please make one payment for multiple entries.
  • First entry received is the one that will be judged. Any subsequent submissions/corrections will be deleted.
  • When e-mailing the contest entry, please place in the subject line: BRMCWC FOUNDATION CONTEST ENTRY/ [CATEGORY HERE]
  • When e-mailing your contest entry, if sending multiple entries, send them in separate e-mails. E-mails with multiple entries will be discarded (exceptions: poetry and devotions).
  • Entries must have a “cover sheet” within the body of the email. Your attached entry should not indicate who wrote the piece.

E-mail address for entries:

All entry fees will be payable through PayPal (you do not have to have a PayPal account to use this means of payment).

If a writer has been published in any publication category—or is currently under contract or receives a contract during the entry time-frame—then the writer is ineligible for this contest in that category. (For example, if a writer has had a devotional published, the writer may not enter the contest in the devotion/devotional category, but the writer may enter in a different category.)

Entries which received first place in a previous years’ Foundations contest are not eligible.

Writers may enter more than one category, but we accept only one entry per category.

Contest is now open.

Deadline for entries is April 1, 2025

Formatting: All entries must be attached to the email as a Microsoft Word document. NO PDFs or PAGES accepted (exception: if you use a program specific for screenplays and can change that to a pdf). With the exception of poetry, children’s picture books, and scripts, submissions should be double-spaced, presented in a 12-pt. serif font (such as Times New Roman) and have one-inch margins all around.

Scripts and plays should be submitted in standard film or A/V format.

Please do not include pictures or illustrations. 

Entries not formatted correctly may be disqualified.

Critiques are not given on contest entries.

Contest entries will not be returned.

Categories and their details:

  1. Articles (For Print or Web) —nonfiction, including how to, or information in nature. This is NOT the category for essays such as may be found in popular compilation books. Word count for this category is 700 – 2000 words.
  2. Essays—true events or experiences. (Think: “Chicken Soup for the Soul” pieces.) Word count for this category is no more than 1000 words.
  3. Devotions—limit of 3, no longer than two pages each, double-spaced. (Your $35 entry fee covers up to 3)
  4. Nonfiction Books—True life stories, inspirational guidelines, motivational, encouragement, Devotionals (An entire book of devotions) etc. Submit a two- to three-page outline (single spaced) and the first 15 pages, which may include the introduction. Double space all other pages.
  5. Novellas—Fiction ranging from 20,000 to 44,999 words. Submit a one-page, single-spaced synopsis and first pages, not to exceed 10 double-spaced pages (if prologue is submitted, it is part of the 10 pages).
  6. Novels—fiction ranging from 45,000 to 100,000 words. Submit a one-page, single-spaced synopsis, and first pages of the work, not to exceed 15 pages (if prologue submitted, it is a part of the 15 pages). Double space all pages other than the synopsis. Please state the genre on the coversheet. Genres include:
  • Romance/Historical
  • Romance/Contemporary
  • Romance/Suspense
  • General Fiction
  • Contemporary Women’s
  • Historical/Biblical
  • Suspense
  • Speculative
  • Western
  1. Poetry—three poems or three pages equals one entry.
  2. Short Stories—approximately 1000-3000 words
  3. Bible Studies (book length)—submit a two-to-three-page outline (single spaced) along with the first 15 pages, double-spaced.
  4. YA (Young Adult) Novels—See Novels (above).
  5. YA (Young Adult) Nonfiction—See Nonfiction (above).
  6. Flash Fiction—Fiction (a complete story) of no more than 1000 words.
  7. Children’s Chapter Book—Submit short summary (no more than one page, single-spaced) and first 10 pages.
  8. Children’s Picture Book—Submit entire work. No pictures or illustrations.
  9. Middle Grade Novel—Submit a one-page, single-spaced synopsis and first 10 pages.
  10. Blogs—Submit your blog address and your blog’s focus. Your blog must have been in existence at least four weeks prior to submission and must be an active blog that is updated at least once a week.
  11. Film and Teleplay Script—Submit summary and first 15 pages of script in script format.

NOTE: Any of these categories may be combined depending on the number of entries per category. It may also be necessary to refund a contest entry fee if there are not enough submissions in a category group.


E-mail contest entry to Eva Marie Everson:

Put BRMCWC FOUNDATIONS CONTEST ENTRY/GENRE in the subject line. (Sample: BRMCWC Contest Entry/Novels/Romance) Submissions that do not follow this rule will not be accepted.

Include a cover page within the body of the email. Cover pages should include the title of your work, your name, address, and email address. Again: Do NOT send cover pages separately or within the text of the submission. This will disqualify your entry.

While your title should be a part of the submission, your name should not be anywhere on the document.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Category with subgenre if applicable
  • Title of Entry
  • Do not attach more than one entry per e-mail.

Entry fees of $35 per entry must be paid via PayPal
(PayPal Buy buttons at end of post)

Thank you.

Eva Marie Everson
Contest Director

    BRMCWC Contest Entries

  • Foundations (35.00)
  • Selah (55.00)