by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28
Outlines are our friends, or are they?
I loved making outlines in my seminary class because they provided structure for the speeches I prepared. Things changed. In recent years, I dreaded making outlines as I wrote books and blog posts. They seemed to confine the feeling I wanted to relay, and they stifled my outpouring of words.
I long to write from a feeling of inspiration—all the emotions, felt needs, and punch of a topic flowing from my heart to the keyboard and computer screen. But when I read what I wrote in that manner, I realized my train of thought could go all over the place. I needed an outline.
So how can we balance longing to write from the heart with following a logical flow of thought?
Here are some ideas:
1. Know where you’re headed.
When you sit down to write, first know where you’re going, and then let the words flow unhindered. Have your topic in mind as you search for a way to begin your writing. Choose a story, quote, or question that is directly related to your topic and that will inspire the reader to keep reading.
2. Make a bare bones outline of your idea.
If outlines scare you, then write down or type in a separate file, a basic outline of what you want to say. See if your points are related, and if they transition well to the next one. Adjust what you want to include if you see your train of thought getting off track. Don’t frustrate the reader with a train of thought that zig zags between unlinked destinations or that follows a huge rabbit down an unrewarding trail.
3. Fill in your outline with complete sentences.
It’s easy to create an outline of phrases, but when you write it in complete sentences, you force your brain to pinpoint exactly what you want to talk about and how you want to word it. So in your bare bones outline, make sub-points in complete sentences. Include illustrations. Bring in Scripture verses. Let your heart work as much as your mind on this one. What sub-points would stir your heart to read this article or chapter? You may find that these complete sentences make great beginning lines for your paragraphs.
4. Put enough white space in your outline to write paragraphs under the points.
Whether you’re using a notebook or the computer, space your outline so that you can write a paragraph directly beneath each sub-point. This helps you to see your progression of thought easily and reminds you to stay on track. When you complete the paragraphs of your article or chapter, read each point of your outline and the paragraph(s) underneath it. Did you derail, or did your train make it safely to its destination? If you let someone critique your writing, delete the outline in your file, and you will be left with only your wonderful paragraphs.
Let an outline be your friend, and save yourself time and frustration. You can still write from the heart and avoid spending time rearranging your sentences and paragraphs to fix the flow of thought. An outline is a valuable asset to our writing, and it can make reading easier and more enjoyable for our audience. Write from an outline—from the heart!
Do you think an outline helps or hinders your writing? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Katy Kauffman is an award-winning author, an editor of Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies. Her first compilation, Breaking the Chains, won a 2018 Selah finalist award. Her second compilation, Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character, released this summer. Katy’s writing can be found at CBN.com, thoughts-about-God.com, PursueMagazine.net, two blogs on writing, in online magazines, and on devotional blogs. She loves spending time with family and friends, making jewelry, and hunting for the best peanut butter cookies. Connect with her at her blog and on Facebook and Twitter.
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