Finding Our Writing People

By Heather Kreke @HKreke

Writing is often a solo endeavor, but it helps to have people around us. People who just get us. People we can brainstorm with, who can motivate us, give us advice, and celebrate with us when we accomplish a publishing goal. But how do we find each other?

Social Media

If we already have our group of writers, social media is an amazing way of staying connected. We can message, share posts, tips, and ideas at the press of a button. The more we stay connected with like-minded people, the more motivated we feel to continue reaching for our dreams.

If we don’t already have a group of people, social media is probably the quickest and easiest way to find those working towards the same goals. There are Facebook groups/pages on pretty much any subject imaginable from Blogging, to People Who Like The Cool Side Of The Pillow. (Yes, it’s a real Facebook page.) It is possible to find a great group of people who will encourage, have meaningful conversations, and give good advice. The downside to social media is we’re just as likely meet a group of writers who may not share our beliefs or  give bad advice. So, while social media is a great tool for finding people, I don’t recommend it being the only one on your tool belt.

Your Community

Look around the local community for groups and classes that fit with what you are striving to achieve. The local community college may offer some programs, or the local township, borough, municipality, and etc. Local churches may have a small group for writers. The biggest drawback to trying to find a group close by is there may not be one. If that is the case, don’t be afraid to start one! There are probably at least a few people who are within driving distance and could use support, while working toward similar goals.

Conferences and Seminars 

I know going to our first writers conference or seminar can be scary. Some are so big, and there are so many people around, including people who have already achieved the goals we are looking to achieve. However, most writers conferences and seminars are set up for people at every level of the craft and talking to other writers who have already achieved publication, speaking positions, best sellers, and the list goes on, will help you see you can do it too. Being around a bunch of other writers is priceless. I realize  conferences can be expensive, but trust me it’s totally worth it.

Finding the right people can help us not feel so lonely during the journey, and it can make the destination a lot more fun.

Do you have a group of like-minded people that support you and help you meet your publishing goals? How did you find them? Leave a comment and let us know!


BRMCWC FacultyHeather is a novelist who is passionate about showing teens and young adults they can find hope in God’s plan for their lives – even through the darkest times. She is published on numerous blogs and in the Christian Writers Market Guide. She also teaches a writing class at her church and completed coursework through the former Christian Writers Guild.

Heather is a mother of 3 redheaded girls and has been married to a redheaded husband since 2004.

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