“I’m A Local Author” – Participating in Vendor Events

By Melissa Henderson @mimionlife

 “I’m a local author.” This is one of the ways I greet people at vendor shows, book signings, and speaking events. These gatherings can be fun experiences for authors and readers. Participating in community activities is one way to share your writing with others. The key to success involves prayer, faith, hope, smiles, and introducing yourself to strangers.

Our town offers numerous ways to become involved with people and local happenings in the area. A list is often provided on the town website or social media accounts. Some of the events involve cost while others are free to participate. Coordinators usually ask participants to share about the event on their websites and with family and friends. Memes and useful information can help get the word out locally and nationally.

When these opportunities to promote my writing are offered, I research the venue, promoters, organizers, cost to join, and names of other possible attendees. If my work is a good fit, I fill out the required paperwork online or via snail mail. If payment is required, a check is mailed or payment is given online.

Preparing for the day or night show takes time. I will check my list more than once. Being ready is important for selling books and making connections.

My checklist includes:

  • Prayer- ask God for guidance and wisdom in every moment
  • Up-to-date business cards with my photo and contact information
  • Autographed books to offer for sale
  • Signs with the titles of my books and their prices
  • Business license (local and state)
  • Poster with my name in bold letters “MELISSA HENDERSON – LOCAL AUTHOR”
  • Bowl with soft mints to offer to anyone stopping by the table
  • Free stickers and small dinosaurs(or other fun item) for kids or adults
  • A colorful tablecloth to cover the display area
  • Cash bag and other ways to accept payment
  • Paper to keep track of books sold and how payment was received
  • Hand sanitizer, tissues, and bandaids (in case of need)

The time to begin selling and promoting my writing begins. Doors are opened to the venue and people start to visit the tables of writers, craft makers, and more. Before the festivities begin, I double-check my table and supplies.

Then, with a smile and a simple “Hello, I’m a local author.”, I begin to share about my writing. Some folks enjoy having books by a local author and want each book personally signed.Making a connection with someone who lives locally or someone who is visiting from another  area can be a blessing. Starting with a smile and friendly conversation can open the door to new friendships and connections.

Keeping in touch with people you meet can open doors for more publications, opportunities to speak, and read at libraries and/or schools, and other important avenues to be successful. Most of all, as authors, we can help bring joy and peace into the world.

Whether you are a local author or not, enjoy sharing your writing with readers. Your story may be the one they never knew they needed.


Melissa Henderson




Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages sometimes laced with a bit of humor. With stories online and in print publications, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, Bookbub, Youtube, Linkedin, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.com

The Conversation

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    The Conversation

  1. Suzanne Montgomery says:

    I didn’t realize a business license was needed to sell your books at craft fairs or other local events. How did you go about getting this?

    • Melissa Henderson says:

      Hello. I contacted the local government office and inquired what is needed. Some authors don’t display a license, but our town requires a display. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  2. Joyce McCullough says:

    These are great tips, Melissa! Where do you go to apply for a business license?

    • Melissa Henderson says:

      Hello. I checked with our town government offices and they provided the needed information. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  3. Laurie says:

    Very timely! I have two craft fairs this fall where I’ll be offering my books. Thank you.

  4. Melody Morrison says:

    Good article, Melissa. Some great ideas I had never considered and we have several such occasions as well as five towns very close by. Thank you for sharing.

    • Melissa Henderson says:

      Thank you Melody. Yes, check in to those events. It’s a great way to share your writing. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  5. Yvonne Morgan says:

    What a wonderful checklist Melissa. I really appreciate it and will refer to it for my events. Thanks for sharing

  6. Melissa McLaughlin says:

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips, Melissa. We can be a blessing to the community and share God’s Word through our writing as we connect with people who attend. God bless you and your writing ministry!

    • Melissa Henderson says:

      Thank you Melissa McLaughlin. I appreciate your kindness. God gives us many ways to share His love and glory. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂

  7. Karen Friday says:

    Melissa, I like that you start your list with prayer and asking God for direction. Thanks the most important and helps before we do anything else. And I love how you said, “our story may be the one they never knew they needed.”

  8. Jessica Brodie says:

    Love this! You say “The key to success involves prayer, faith, hope, smiles, and introducing yourself to strangers.” It strikes me that this is also the key to sharing God’s word … everything is about relationships. Many of us are shy, or haven’t developed good social skills, but as God’s children, we are more than “just little old me.” We are children of the King and can do all things for His glory, whether that’s stepping out as a local author or inviting a neighbor to church.