In Writing, The Little Things Matter

by Julie Zine Coleman @JulieZColeman

D.L. Moody once said, “There are many of us willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things.” We tend to evaluate responsibilities in terms of importance and prioritize accordingly.

But does God view the small things in that way? Certainly, Scripture does not value one kind of service over another. For example, when Paul wrote about spiritual gifts, he was careful to point out that no gift is more important than another. Every member of the body of Christ is essential. Jesus taught that in the kingdom, the last will be first, and the first, last. That kind of kingdom thinking should apply to our writing as well.

 As writers, we dream of the big break, the longed-for publishing contract, or a platform of thousands. And when enough time goes by without realizing those goals, we wonder if God intends to use our writing at all.

The truth of the matter is, according to author Olivia Blacke, writing a best-selling book is about as common as winning the lottery or getting struck by lightning (twice!). But rather than be discouraged at those statistics, maybe we should try to view our writing opportunities through the eyes of our Maker.

Colossians 3:17 (NASB) urges us to consider every effort we make as a spiritual act. “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” From writing a magazine article, a blog post, to a full-fledged book, all can be used to bring God glory.

A man named Arthur Stace, from Sydney, Australia, had that kind of mindset. After living a corrupt life in the streets as a drunk and a criminal, in 1930, he gave his life to Jesus Christ at a church mission. Two years later, he heard a word in a sermon that captured his heart: eternity.

The Lord put it on Arthur’s heart to write “Eternity” all over the city of Sydney. Each morning, he would be up before dawn, wandering through the streets. Every 100 yards or so, he would stoop down and write “eternity” on a sidewalk or wall with a crayon in copperplate script. Year after year, Arthur was faithful to spread his simple message. He wrote it an estimated half-million times! Thirty-three years after his death, his writing remained an inspiration to Australians.

On December 31, 1999, the eyes of the world were on Sydney via satellite television as the first major city entered the new millennium. As the countdown ended, fireworks erupted over the harbor. There on the bridge, the word “Eternity” was lit up in copperplate script for the world to see! One little man had a huge impact by remaining faithful at the simple task God had given him to do.

God can use our small efforts for his glory. Rather than concentrating on the big goals, we need to view every opportunity as a gift from God. Writing a classroom newsletter, announcements for the church bulletin, or a helping another writer by editing their work, God wants us to use our gifts to build up the church, not ourselves.

  1. Gregory Mantle, a preacher in the 1800’s, wrote: “It is far harder to live for Christ moment by moment than it is to die once for Him; and if we wait for great occasions in which to display our fidelity, we shall find that our life has slipped away, and with it the opportunities that each hour has brought of proving our love to the Lord, by being faithful in that which is least.”

We live among people who are living in darkness. God has called us to be light. Putting our best effort into even the smallest writing opportunities can be used by Him to reveal Himself to the world.

You are the light of the world . . .  Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5: 13-16



Julie Zine Coleman is an award-winning author, speaker, and member of the Pastoral Team at New Hope Chapel. She is the managing editor for the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association’s devotional website, Arise Daily. Julie holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and has authored four books including Unexpected Love: God’s Heart Revealed through Jesus’ Conversations with Women and On Purpose: Understanding God’s Freedom for Women through Scripture, which was named The Golden Scrolls Book of the Year as well as The Selah Awards’ Director’s Choice. Julie and her husband have four grown children, six grandchildren, and one crazy Golden Retriever puppy.

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    The Conversation

  1. Pam Halter says:

    Thank you, Julie! This is so encouraging!

  2. Barbara Latta says:

    Thank you, Julie, for this beautiful inspiration to live daily in surrender to Christ. Jesus said, ” He who is faithful in little.”

    • Julie Z Coleman says:

      Surrender is exactly right. When we give up our expectations and just follow His lead, He is faithful to honor that obedience.

  3. Dr. Deborah Maxey says:

    Julie this is so powerful and so beautifully said. Thank you.

  4. Diana Derringer says:

    I love this story and your application, Julie. Thank you.