Mentoring Moments 2024

By Edwina Perkins @EdwinaPerkins

I remember my first experience at a writing conference.

Sitting in a crowded room with other first-time conferees, I was ready. Ready to learn all the ins and outs of maneuvering a writing conference. Ready to meet other writers and yes (gulp) willing to speak with an editor or agent. What was I thinking?

Within minutes of arriving, I knew I had no idea what I was doing and questioned why I was there. Too many industry terms were a foreign language to me. Elevator pitch? Platform? Query Letter? Proposal? Other writers asked me questions like:

  • “What’s your book about?”
  • “Which agent/editor are you here to meet?”
  • “Are you hoping to get a contract?”

Contract? I was hoping to get through the week!

Afterward, I felt like I’d gone through a writer’s boot camp only to return home defeated. Looking back, I wonder how different my experience would have been if I’d had a mentor to help me through the obstacles. If there had been someone to guide me through the process before I arrived, even to answer questions I didn’t know I needed to ask.

Think about the many areas of our lives that are improved through the input of a mentor or coach. Over the years as I’ve learned the craft and other areas in the publishing industry, they all have one element in common that has helped me to succeed. Mentorship.

Starting February 13, Dr. Karynthia Glasper-Phillips and I will facilitate a bi-monthly Facebook live called Mentoring Moments, where we offer preparation tips to help get you ready for BRMCWC.

Included will be information that includes but won’t be limited to:

  • Choosing classes
  • Finding a mentor before the conference begins
  • Creating a business card and a one sheet
  • Knowing why a free 15-minute appointment is valuable for everyone
  • How to be ready spiritually as well as physically

Taking part in this free program is an opportunity to take your writing and your professionalism as a writer to the next level. Unlike me, whether it’s your first or fiftieth conference, you’ll be ready!

Edwina Perkins is the assistant director of Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. She is also the coordinator for Mentoring Moments and the manager for Sensitivity Between the Lines, both with Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. Edwina is the managing editor for Harambee Press, an imprint of End Game Press. As a longtime member of Word Weavers International, she now serves as a member of the advisory board. Edwina is an award-winning writer, experienced teacher, speaker, freelance editor, and a sensitivity/authenticity consultant and has been published in numerous publications. One of her passions is to address the need for sensitivity and diversity in the publishing industry. She is also known as Nona to two precious grandchildren.

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    The Conversation

  1. Tamilia Bush says:

    I would love to be a part of this.
    Thank you!