by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea
I need a day-over. I mean a do-over. A day-do-over. Yes, that’s it.
Last week I had a day that fell smack-dab into the dreaded category of “one of those.”
You’ve had them, right? Like when you wake up late, and after already having a rough start, your coffeemaker leaks everywhere, then dies. It’s like a little coffee murder scene. You end up with no coffeemaker. And death coffee. Then you can’t find your keys. And then when you get to work, your candy bar gets stuck in the machine. Then at lunch the guy leaves the cheese off your cheesy-wrap-supremo. At that point, why not just go ahead and take your kids to the park and get stuck in the slide tunnel, right? Call it a day.
A day. No doubt we’ve all had one or two.
So yes, last week, I had a day. And it was long. I worried when I saw my shadow because I was afraid there would be six more weeks of day. A friend tried to comfort me with, “Don’t worry, tomorrow is another day.” Another one? Like that one? Inside I screamed like a screaming goat. With a hint of groundhog.
It wasn’t that the frustrations were all that horrible if I’m honest. But there were just so many of them. It was a day just made for a do-over.
Know what’s more healing than any day-over, do-over, or oh-doo-dah-day-over? It’s experiencing the restoring, refreshing, day-revitalizing power of the God of renewal. “Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16 CSB). Day. By. Day.
Never give up—even when you’ve had a day. Your Father knows when you’re feeling a bit destroyed. He knows the more serious sides of your tough day. He knows the little frustrations. He knows the agonizing pain and the deep wounds. And He cares. Not only does He care, but He is ready to renew your “inner person.” Nothing and no one refreshes like our God.
Friends, at the end of the day—and the beginning and middle of the day too—know that God’s love is deep and He longs to renew you. Know that His mercy is endless and He extends it to you continuously. Know that He has the most glorious plan for your life—even your day. And know that a day is coming when sorrows and struggles will cease. Oh glorious day. The next verses in the 2 Corinthians passage remind us, “For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18 CSB).
There is unequaled, clear and plain refreshment in focusing on the eternal. Plain as “day,” if you will. Though your body may be a little weary sometimes, and though your candy bar may still be stuck in the machine, the God who loves you has a great plan for you—a plan for now and forever. Rest in His plan. Rest in knowing He’s got you. Rest in His presence. That kind of resting? It’ll make your day. Day after day after every kind of day.
Rhonda Rhea is an award-winning humor columnist for great magazines such as HomeLife, Leading Hearts, The Pathway, and many more. She is the author of 19 books, including the popular romantic comedies co-authored with her daughter Kaley Rhea, Off-Script & Over-Caffeinated and Turtles in the Road. Rhonda and Kaley have also teamed up with Bridges TV host Monica Schmelter for the Messy to Meaningful books and TV projects. Along with Beth Duewel, Rhonda writes the Fix Her Upper series, and she also co-authored Unruffled: Thriving in Chaos with Edie Melson. She speaks at conferences and events from coast to coast, serves on many boards and committees, and stays busy as a publishing consultant. Rhonda says you can find her living near St. Louis drinking too much coffee and snort-laughing with her pastor/husband, five grown children, and a growing collection of the most exceptional grandbabies.
The Conversation
Rhonda, your words always encourage me. Thanks for the reminder that even when we are feeling the wear-and-tear of the world, God is always renewing us on the inside. Hope you have a joyful day and a perfect cup of coffee with your candy bar.
The perfect comment–bless your sweet heart!
Rhonda, I just had that ‘day’ yesterday…more than 10 hours cleaning up an old house with inch-deep crud to make it move-in ready for my daughter. My joints are screaming at me today, and I still have more dust to mitigate, enough to fill a dozen leaf bags. But I am praising God that the movers made it here before a snowstorm…praising God for the inventors of N-95 masks and the Swiffer mop…praising God for nearby dollar stores and home improvement stores for more and more cleaning supplies…because your message reminded me that God does provide! He will indeed give me rest and keep me moving afterward, out of His great love for my daughter and me. Thanks for your praise-worthy laughs and encouragement! 🙂 Gotta go back to Swiffering….
Aw girl, what a DAY. May the Lord bless every little swiff of the swiffer!
Your posts are always so encouraging and bring a smile to my heart and my face. Thank you!
Bonnie, that encourages ME! Thank you for sharing the kind words.
The whole getting older also brings thoughts of do-overs. Everything takes longer when your entire body hurts.
But we don’t get a do-over in aging, so I’ve learned to pace myself. And I’m often pleased with what I’ve been able to get done!
So thankful we’re being renewed inwardly.
So thankful God’s mercies are new every morning!