Linda Goldfarb is a natural behind the microphone. As the Emcee of our conference and the voice of Your Best Writing Life, our listening family benefits from her experience as an international speaker, a radio talk show host and an audiobook narrator.
Each week, Linda and her industry expert offers insight with enthusiasm while discussing practical information and how-to application you can use today, to grow in your craft and in your life as a Christian writer.
Tune in, it’s time to experience the best in your writing life.
Dec. 20, 2022
\\ Dr. Deborah Maxey
Write and Read Body Language CorrectlyAre you familiar enough with body language knowledge to write correctly about your characters? Learn...
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Dec. 13, 2022
\\ Twila Belk
Ghostwriting with Twila BelkAre you interested in ghostwriting? In this short amount of time, Linda Goldfarb and her...
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Dec. 6, 2022
\\ Kathy Howard
Writing Hybrid Devotional StudiesToday’s episode offers a way for you to write deeper while offering a shorter study...
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Nov. 29, 2022
\\ Cindy Sproles
Writing Devotionals that Make a DifferenceWriting devotions that matter is what Cindy Sproles helps us understand better in this episode...
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Nov. 22, 2022
\\ Tina Yeager
Creativity and Brain Science for WritersAre you taking advantage of your cognitive focus? Today’s episode will connect you with your...
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Nov. 15, 2022
\\ Edie Melson
The Benefits of Writing During the HolidaysDo you dread writing during the holidays? Today’s episode is exactly what writers need to...
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