Linda Goldfarb is a natural behind the microphone. As the Emcee of our conference and the voice of Your Best Writing Life, our listening family benefits from her experience as an international speaker, a radio talk show host and an audiobook narrator.
Each week, Linda and her industry expert offers insight with enthusiasm while discussing practical information and how-to application you can use today, to grow in your craft and in your life as a Christian writer.
Tune in, it’s time to experience the best in your writing life.
Jul. 5, 2022
\\ DiAnn Mills
How to Reduce Passive VoiceReduce passive voice to make your writing better. Linda Goldfarb and Multi-award-winning author DiAnn Mills...
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Jun. 28, 2022
\\ Blythe Daniel
How to Increase ReadershipHow can writers get more readers? Literary agent, Blythe Daniel, shares tips and strategies with...
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Jun. 21, 2022
\\ Cherrilynn Bisbano
The WRITE Prayer for WritersPraying the WRITE prayer acrostic keeps you focused on God, your readers, and your why....
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Jun. 14, 2022
\\ Annette Reeder
YouTube Best Practices for WritersYouTube can explode a writer's readership. Listen in as Linda Goldfarb and Annette Reeder provide...
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Jun. 7, 2022
\\ Bill and Pam Farrel
Coauthoring with a Spouse or Loved OneCoauthoring with a spouse or close friend can skyrocket your career. Linda talks with best-selling...
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May. 31, 2022
\\ Rachel Hauck
Writing Split-Time NovelsSplit-time novels involve a historic timeline and a contemporary timeline. Learn more from Linda Goldfarb...
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