Linda Goldfarb is a natural behind the microphone. As the Emcee of our conference and the voice of Your Best Writing Life, our listening family benefits from her experience as an international speaker, a radio talk show host and an audiobook narrator.
Each week, Linda and her industry expert offers insight with enthusiasm while discussing practical information and how-to application you can use today, to grow in your craft and in your life as a Christian writer.
Tune in, it’s time to experience the best in your writing life.
Feb. 16, 2021
\\ DiAnn Mills
Fiction Writing Character Development Part 1 with DiAnn MillsToday, we’re sharing tips and strategies for character development in fiction writing, part one –...
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Feb. 9, 2021
\\ Blue Ridge Reader Connections
Blue Ridge Reader Connections for AuthorsA brand new way to connect authors with their readers is here! Blue Ridge Reader...
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Feb. 2, 2021
\\ Edie Melson
Social Media as a Ministry with Edie MelsonSocial Media is not a place to market your wares. It is a place of...
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Jan. 26, 2021
\\ Karen Whiting
Getting Media Interviews with Karen WhitingGetting media interviews – let’s get real – if you’re a writer, odds are you’ll...
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Jan. 19, 2021
\\ Ramona Richards
Writers Conferences and a Writing Career with Ramona RichardsWriting conferences. Building a writing career. Pseudonyms. Award-winning author and publisher, Ramona Richards gives us...
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Jan. 12, 2021
\\ Michelle Cox
The Writing Life with Michelle CoxWhat is God doing in your life as a writer? What are you willing to...
Play Episode