Linda Goldfarb is a natural behind the microphone. As the Emcee of our conference and the voice of Your Best Writing Life, our listening family benefits from her experience as an international speaker, a radio talk show host and an audiobook narrator.
Each week, Linda and her industry expert offers insight with enthusiasm while discussing practical information and how-to application you can use today, to grow in your craft and in your life as a Christian writer.
Tune in, it’s time to experience the best in your writing life.
Jan. 5, 2021
\\ Larry J. Leech II
Self-Edit Like a Pro with Larry J. Leech IISelf-editing like a pro is something all writers can do. Linda's industry expert is writing...
Play Episode -
Dec. 29, 2020
\\ Heather Kreke
Writing Blog Posts with Heather KrekeWhy write blog posts? Who can you write for? What do blog owners expect from...
Play Episode -
Dec. 22, 2020
\\ Karen Porter
Secrets to Successful Speaking with Karen PorterSurveys show that public speaking is the most feared activity by people everywhere. Why is...
Play Episode -
Dec. 15, 2020
\\ Michelle Lazurek
Writing Christian Books for Children with Michelle LazurekReady to write a Christian book for children, but not sure how to start? Linda's...
Play Episode -
Dec. 8, 2020
\\ Alton Gansky
Cleaning Manuscript Clutter with Alton GanskyHow to overcome literary bloat. Does your manuscript suffer from pleonasm? Multi-award-winning author, Alton Gansky...
Play Episode -
Dec. 1, 2020
\\ Amy (A.C.) Williams
Instill Hope in Your Writing with A.C. WilliamsAre Christians missing the mark when it comes to sharing hope in their books? My...
Play Episode