Are you familiar enough with body language knowledge to write correctly about your characters? Learn how with - Dr. Deborah Maxey

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Are you familiar enough with body language knowledge to write correctly about your characters? Learn how with – Dr. Deborah Maxey

Welcome to Your Best Writing Life, an extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference held in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mts of NC. I’m your host Linda Goldfarb. Each week I bring you tips and strategies from experts in the writing and publishing industry to help you excel in your craft. I’m so glad you’re listening in. During this part one episode, you’ll learn How to Write and Read Body Language Correctly

Learn how to Write and Read Body Language to enhance your reader's experience. Share on X

My industry expert is Dr. Deborah Maxey – As a child, Deborah loved to eavesdrop on adult conversations and developed a passion for stories. As a licensed therapist, she specialized in trauma and attachment, appearing as an expert witness in court over one thousand times, testifying on behalf of abused and neglected children. A writer since childhood, she heard God call her to close her practice and repurpose, not retire, in 2020 and write for Him. Her debut Award-winning novel, The Endling, was released in May 2021. A popular speaker, Deborah loves sharing her wisdom and encouraging others. Her life motto: He speaks through everything.

We discuss the seven levels of the Continuum of Dishonesty.

a.     Level one – Lazy Liar

b.     Level two – The Embellisher

c.     Level three – The Avoider

d.     Level four – The Defensive Liar

e.     Level five – The Intentional Liar

f.      Level six – The Pathological Liar

g.     Level seven – The Psychopath

And the proper use of lie detectors in our stories.

Dr. Deborah Maxey
The Body Doesn’t Lie Part 1 PDF
The Sociopath Next Door book
The Dictionary of Body Language – Joe Navarro

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About your host – Linda Goldfarb
Besides hosting Your Best Writing Life, Linda Goldfarb is a multi-published award-winning author, audiobook narrator, international speaker, board-certified Christian life coach, co-owner, co-founder of the LINKED® Personality System, and co-author of the LINKED® Quick Guide to Personality series. Linda also hosts the Staying REAL About Faith & Family podcast – Check it out!

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About your host – Linda Goldfarb
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