Learn from Shelley Hitz, how writing short-length Kindle books can make you money, increase your audience reach, and maximize your impact.

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Meet This Week's Guest

Writing short-length Kindle books can make you money, increase your audience reach, and maximize your impact.

In today’s encore episode, we cover the benefits for Christian writers in writing small Kindle books.

My industry expert is Shelley Hitz. Shelley has mentored writers since 2010. Her experience in writing 58 books and selling over half a million copies solidifies –she’s our go-to gal for today. Shelley and her husband CJ are the hosts of the Kingdom Writers podcast, and together, they create a powerful team to help you accomplish your goals with their membership in Christian Book Academy. They have often been called “pastors for writers.”

Write short length Kindle books to make money. #thewritinglife #makemoneywriting Share on X

You’ll find out:
Why smaller books sell well.
How a shorter book really is a quick win for you as an author.
What length should your book be to maximize your impact?
We wrap up with where to start as you write a shorter book.

Stick around until the end; we have a great giveaway.

Shelley Hitz
Procrastination to Publication Workshop with Shelley Hitz
Publishing Map Download