Tagged: Becoming a Professional Writer

  • A Writer’s One Word

    By Tammy Karasek @tickledpinktam I don’t know about you, my writer friend, but when I go to bed I’m exhausted—until my head hits the pillow. Then my eyes pop wide open as I think of a new scene or two or ten for my current fiction project. I grab my…

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  • Get Writing Wisdom and Experienced Insights

    By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin Each of us as writers sits at our keyboards alone and moves our fingers to create words and stories. Yet we are not alone in learning more about this business and improving our craft. We have a multitude of resources to help us—if we use them.…

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  • Establishing Your Writing Voice & Your Brand

    by Ane Mulligan  @AneMulligan Brand and voice. Two words tossed about the industry with regularity. Yet, what are they actually, and how do you go about finding your voice and establish a brand? Finding Voice When I read Finding Your Voice, by Les Edgerton, a light bulb turned on for…

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  • How to Keep Writing Faithfully When Doubts Creep In

    by Lynn Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn I recently returned from a vacation where for three days I didn’t do much of anything but read. It was glorious. I loved the books I brought with me. I inhaled them. I fell in love with the characters and the places and the ideas. And then…

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    By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky You hear writers often mention the “fictive dream.” John Gardner called it a “vivid and continuous dream.” It’s a term used to describe a simple principle: no one wants to read a book. There, I said it. Man, it feels good to get that off my…

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  • Writer, I  Promise to Pray for you–My New Year’s Resolution

    By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions but this year I commit to pray for each of you daily.  I also will post a weekly prayer on the Blue Ridge Writers Facebook page. Why do I storm the gates of heaven on your behalf? I pray…

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