When Writing: Show, Don’t Tell
By Bethany Jett, @BetJett Show, Don't Tell Arguably, this is one of the biggest sins of a writer, and yet it’s so easy to slip into what I call “tattle-tale mode.” Is the reader experiencing the story, or are they listening to me rattle on the details like my seven-year-old…
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The Danger of Adverbs in Writing
By Vincent B. Davis II, @vbdavisii "For all have sinned and fallen short of editorial perfection." This is one of my favorite quotes from Stephen King's On Writing. Isn't it true? No matter how hard we may try to correct, edit, and rewrite our manuscript, there is always something left…
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Excuses Writers Give For Not Writing
By Penny Reeve Do you know the most important characteristic of a writer? Yes, that’s correct. They write. Without writing there is no book, no poem, no blog, no review, no article, no story. Writers need to write, it’s what we do. It’s our craft, our skill, our work and…
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The Validity of Editing for Writers
by Cindy K. Sproles @CindyDevoted Editing is difficult. Especially when you’ve worked hard to pen the perfect words. It’s tough to look at a scene or a paragraph and come to the realization that it needs to go. I’ve found this is especially difficult for new writers. Once they get…
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A Hope for Writing Blessings
by @RamonaRichards For my morning devotions, I use The Upper Room, which I pick up at my local church. However, with the shutdown due to the virus, I didn’t get the July/August issue this month, so I decided to reuse the May/June one. (Yes, I know I can get it…
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Meet Your Writing Deadline
by Lucinda Secrest McDowell, @LucindaSMcDowel Last fall I submitted the manuscript for my twelfth book. On time. Whew! Because it was on a fast track, and I had already made several travel plans that could not be cancelled, I wondered if I could do it. Through God’s grace, prayer support, diligent…
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