Tagged: Blue Ridge Conference

  • Sell Your Books Everywhere

    by Diane Holmes Many of you probably remember that old nursery rhyme, The Butcher, The Baker, and The Candlestick Maker. I remember the title, but that’s about all. Now I have three individuals who are very near and dear to me – The Butcher, The Plumber, and The Clock Fixer.…

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  • When Editing Don’t Fear The Red Pen

    by Shannon Thomas @AuthorShannonT I love a red pen. I love what it symbolizes. I love the power it possesses. As a writer, I'm also terrified of it, like many of us are. But I've learned that the red pen is a necessary tool that can often be approached with…

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  • Why Finding a Writing Mentor & Other Help Is Important

    by Vincent Davis @vbdavisII All writers start at the same place: heads swimming with thousands of plot points and hearts swelling at the thought of reaching thousands. It’s nearly impossible to walk through a church, a college campus, or your workplace without running into someone who claims to have the…

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  • Your Book’s Big Finish

    By Darlene L. Turner @darlenelturner Every writer loves to type “THE END” on their latest work-in-progress, but the process to get to those final pages can be daunting. Can I get an amen? We tend to write and rewrite the first few chapters to make them perfect, but do we labor…

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  • The Right Mindset to Write

    By Larry Leech @LarryJLeechII I love golf. I love playing while enjoying a few hours of fresh air. I love watching. The Golf Channel is on one of our TVs pretty much every minute of every waking moment in our house, even now while I write this blog. I love…

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  • Writing at the Heart of the Matter

    by Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted There must be something special that sets apart good Christian fiction from the norm. What are the qualities that make readers want to read Christian work? I did my research and found it easier to say what makes readers NOT want to read Christian fiction. You…

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