Tagged: Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

  • 19 Things to Remember When Publishing Doesn’t Go Your Way

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson It’s easy to get discouraged in the writing industry. It’s a tough business, and as they say on Project runway, “One day you’re in, and one day you’re out.” So what's a writer to do? [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="- @EdieMelson on @BRMCWC #writing #writerslife"]Things to Remember When Publishing Doesn't…

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  • Writing Coaches – Yea or Nay

    By Cindy K. Sproles @CindyDevoted Conferences are the best. Sure, they cost a little money…well, a bit of money, but if you are serious about your writing career then this is an expense you can’t afford to miss. Since Covid hit in 2020, many conferences were either shut down or…

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  • Should You Write for Magazines or Books?

    By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin Every writer faces this question: which do I write first—a magazine article or a book?  It’s almost like asking which comes first: the chicken or the egg? As a former magazine editor who has published in more than 50 magazines (gave up counting them a while…

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  • The Day I Decided to Keep Writing

    By Lucinda Secrest McDowell, @LucindaSMcDowel “I’m not impressed and won’t be sending this manuscript to any publisher. Honestly, no one wants this book, so you may as well start over on something else,” my literary agent said during our appointment at the annual booksellers convention. I was shattered. I knew…

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  • Virtual Fiction: Immersive Storytelling

    By James Hannibal @jamesrhannibal For Father’s Day, my wife bought me a pair of virtual reality headsets I could enjoy with my sons. Yes, I’m spoiled. Let’s set that point aside. The first time I put on the VR set, I was blown away. The digital world swallowed me whole.…

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  • There’s no way I could have written them…But God

    by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn I recently returned from a vacation where for three days I didn’t do much of anything but read. It was glorious. I loved the books I brought with me. I inhaled them. I fell in love with the characters and the places and the ideas.…

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