Tagged: Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

  • The Andrew Plan for Writers

    By Debb Hackett @debb_hackett John 1:41-42 The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. (NIV) I’m a relative newbie at my current types of writing. Yes, I have years of…

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  • Successful Writers Never Say These Things

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Writers are an odd lot. I can say that, because I am one. So I speak from experience, not judgment. Like all creative people, we tend to feel things more deeply, reacting poorly to criticism. We also have no perspective at all when it comes to…

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  • Food for Idols

    By James Hannibal @jamesrhannibal Prepare thyself, writer. Here cometh the soap box. In the past few months, I’ve noticed a trend in Christian writing circles—on forums and panels and in our books and blogs. The conversation always goes something like this: “I can write X because I am a strong…

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  • Creating Fictional Characters

    by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn I made some new friends recently. And by that, I mean I literally made some new friends.  I decided they needed to exist, and so I created them. I thought about them until I had an idea of who they are. I gave them names,…

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  • Five Ways to Become A Desirable Author

    By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin While many people are publishing books (over 4,500 new books every day, including the self-published books), the competitive nature of this work is rarely discussed. Editors and agents get pitches and proposals from many different authors. What are some of the difference makers that every author…

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    By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky I wanted to touch on a subject that’s been on my mind lately. When an idea for a novel pops into our minds, the first thing we like to do is flesh out a few major plot points, which is fine, but it can become a…

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