Tagged: Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

  • Blue Ridge Conference Networking 21 Ways to Network at a Writers Conference

    by Alycia W. Morales   @AlyciaMorales Networking at a conference is one of the best things you can do for your writing career. But if you're new, you may not know where to start when you enter a room filled with a few hundred people. Especially if you're like most writers…

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  • The Write Encouragement

    By Penny Reeve My memories of starting out as a writer feel very isolated.  I remember a stack of ‘How To Write’ books from the library, a notebook of story fragments and a mountain ideas. But when it came down to it, there was just me.  I didn’t know anyone…

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    By Sandra Kay Chambers @PrayWaves Like most young children, my pre-school daughter was often impatient. Early on I found a fun way to help her work on learning patience. I’d have her sit down, fold her hands together and we’d sing this verse from one of her favorite Veggie Tale…

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  • The Truth about Discouragement in Writing

    By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted Stop it. Please, stop it.  I’ve seen discouraging post after post on conference sites and social media, and it upsets me to see things like, “My skills will never improve? Am I even meant to be a writer? Who wants to read my work anyway?” So,…

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  • When God Pulls The Engine On Our Writing

    by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt One year when I attended the Iditarod Sled Dog Race Conference for Teachers in Anchorage, Alaska, a teacher told of an airplane ride she and several of the Iditarod sled dogs took with the Iditarod Air Force from a remote checkpoint in western Alaska to…

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  • Writer, Are You A Personality Geek?

    by Lynn Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn  I kind of am. I’m not to the point that I would claim to know and understand all the variants of all the different types out there, but I may get a little bit too excited when I read a description and have that “Oh, my word!…

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