Tagged: Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

  • Eleven Writing Lessons from the Grand Prix Race

    by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt When my husband and I attended our first Grand Prix race, I discovered eleven lessons we writers can apply to our writing.  It pays to know the lay of the land before you set out As this was our first time at the race we…

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  • Writers Are Warriors

    By Karynthia Glasper-Phillips @QT_HisTime In a conversation with some fellow authors and novice writers  I made the statement; “Writers are warriors, answering the call to write is not for wimps.” The expression on their faces varied as each scrambled to remark or question what I meant.  Communicating the gospel in any…

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  • Reading Between the Lines—And Living Between the Times

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Someone once told me that all crazy women have super-thin eyebrows. I don’t see how I could even begin to argue with that logic. So I pencil. And I pencil strong. I feel I have a lot to prove. That’s one reason doing makeup in the car…

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  • Highways, Speed Bumps, and Traffic Lights

    by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers seldom become successful and create a marketable book—overnight. At least that wasn’t my experience. Highways, speed bumps, and traffic lights are a part of the writing life. The victories and triumphs are waylaid with rejection slips, disappointments, and lots of rewrites. But when the first…

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  • Writing in the In-between Times of Life

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson I had always believed that I needed at least an hour, and preferably three, to make any progress at all with my writing. I couldn’t have been more wrong. In the past year, I’ve learned how to use the time I have, even if it’s just fifteen…

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  • Whatever is Lovely: A call to write for times such as these. 

    By Penny Reeve A number of years ago, when I was just learning how to blog, I wrote a series of posts called ‘Whatever is lovely’ in which I made a deliberate effort to seek out, notice and write about the things that defied brokenness to represent the essence of…

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