Tagged: Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

  • Why Do You Write?

    @JennyLCote And why are you reading this post? Allow me to use my Super Scribe Powers to answer this one. You’re a writer. Or you want to be a writer. Okay, so . . . why do you write? Alas, I can’t answer this one for you. Only you can. [tweet_box…

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  • Are You a Storyteller Like Jesus?

    @LucindaSMcDowel All Jesus did that day was tell stories—a long storytelling afternoon. His storytelling fulfilled the prophecy: I will open my mouth and tell stories; I will bring out into the open things hidden since the world’s first day. Matthew 13.34-35 MSG “Daddy, please tell us a story!” we begged. We…

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  • The “Root” of Fiction

    @ADGansky Last month, I began looking at Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 rules for writing fiction. I’ll continue my dissection of his rules this month and look at the second rule. This one’s pretty juicy, guys. You ready? Here it is: Give the reader at least one character he or she can…

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  • What Goes on a Writer’s Business Card?

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson One of the most valuable parts of attending a writing conference is the opportunity for networking. And while a lot of networking now takes place online—through social media—nothing beats meeting someone face-to-face. While meeting someone in person is good, being remembered is even better. That’s why…

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  • Be An Omni-genre Writer

    Imagine winning not one, two or three Selah Awards, but five --- in five different categories. You’ve no doubt found a writing style that works well for you and an artistic genre that is comfortable. However, the familiar can get you stuck in a rut, resulting in missed opportunities to…

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  • 5 Ways to Write Vertical

    @DiAnnMills Are you a vertical writer? We writers are in the business of learning the craft, using our imaginations, writing, editing, and rewriting. Then the process repeats. That’s horizontal writing. We depend on people and earth’s resources to help us reach our publishing dreams and goals. While we are to…

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