Redemption in Your Writing Career
@LynnHBlackburn I want to tell you a story. It involves football, but it’s not a football story, so stay with me. It happened several years ago, and I’ve never forgotten it. During a huge Clemson game, the punter Andy Teasdall, messed up. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="- @LynnBlackburn on @BRMCWC #pubtip"]Redemption…
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And That’s a Rap
@RhondaRhea I was trying to get the last chocolate chip at the bottom of the smoothie with a straw—and who knew I could beatbox? So I figure my only course now is to write a rap. What possible other choice do I have? I’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes…
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Stacking Up Our Publishing Dominoes in the New Year
@DiAnnMills Our family celebrations often involve a game of dominoes. Me? I like stacking them up and watching them fall one-by-one. Unfortunately if writers don’t make a few plans for their writing career in January 2019, our publishing dreams may fall flat. Every writer is motivated by something, and when…
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Happy New Year!
Wishing you and yours the happiest New Year ever!
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Make Your Writing Goals Work for You
@AlyciaMorales Every year is a chance to start over. We set new goals, attempt to achieve new plans. Sometimes we stick to them, some times we fail. Thankfully, we have 365 chances to accomplish them. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="- @AlyciaMorales on @BRMCWC #NewYearsResolution"]Make your #writing goals work for you [/tweet_box] Many of…
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Healthy Social Media Expectations for the New Year
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson “I’m not getting any traction with social media,” is one of the complaints I hear a lot as I travel and teach writers how to connect. There are a lot of reasons people feel this way, a few are legit, but most are just unreasonable expectations.…
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