What the Publishing World Doesn’t Want Us to Know
By Leigh Ann Thomas, @LThomasWrites The time has come for a good dose of honesty and plain talk. There’s a secret the publishing world doesn’t want us to discover. Writing is an absurd profession—a troubling and illogical way to spend our working hours. To prove my point, I composed…
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Copywriting for Faith-Based Organizations
By Holland Webb, @WebbJohnpaul American Christians have an annual purchasing power of $5.1 trillion. That dumbfounds me, you guys. It’s like the national debt sometime in the Clinton administration. Most Christians shell out money on the same basic expenses our neighbors do - food, mortgages, bills - but we…
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A Writer’s Fear
by Lynn H Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn A few years ago, I watched a live Adele concert. The lucky people who filled the venue were an enthusiastic audience. There were cheers, applause, and the occasional sing-a-long when she sang a favorite. I’m a fan so I enjoyed it immensely, but I couldn’t…
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10 Steps to Survive Rejection in the World of Writing
By Deborah Clack @deborah_clack Let’s just rip the band-aid off. Last month, I received two emails within twenty-four hours from agents declining the opportunity to represent my work. We hear it all the time. Negative feedback is inevitable in this profession whether it be with contests, agents, publishing houses,…
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Why Do You Think I Called You to Write?
by Eva Marie Everson @EvaMarieEverson [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="on @BRMCWC #writing #faith"]Why do you think I called you to write - a new practicum from @EvaMarieEverson[/tweet_box] In 1981, my husband and I were given two free tickets to see Chariots of Fire, the motion picture that depicted the stories of…
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The W.R.I.T.E Prayer
By Cherrilynn Bisbano, @chingaling3 Acrostic’s are key—at least when I speak and teach. As I stand in front of the audience, Attention Deficit can creep in and take me down bunny trails. I find it difficult to get back on track without my acrostic. The ladies find it easier to…
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