Tagged: BRMCWC

  • hunger and thirst for righteousness Writer, Keep a Tight Lid On Your Hunger

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I know I’ve complained about the state of my refrigerator before, but I’ve found a way to have a better attitude about it. When I get ready to put something in there, I just psych myself up for a challenging game of food Jenga. It’s amazing…

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  • Tracking Your Story Characters

    by DiAnn Mills @diannmills Have you ever been working on a novel and realized your method of tracking character relationships looked like a toddler’s art work? While writing my last novel, my characters’ connections to each other and the plot bewildered me. Unless I solved the problem, my readers wouldn’t…

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  • The Work of a Writer…

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject=" - #writing #quotes"]"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others." Jonathan Swift[/tweet_box]  

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  • Which Publishing Journey Would You Prefer?

    by Tamela Hancock Murray @Tamela_Murray Sometimes I’ll have one of those days where I’m minding my own business, when I pick up the phone to discover the author on the other end of the line is irate. (No, this is not a rerun of an article from the 20th century.…

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  • contracted book How To Write that Book You Just Contracted

    by Lucinda Secrest McDowell @LucindaSMcDowel Have you just signed a contract to write a book and now have that angst in your stomach wondering if you can actually fulfill your end of the agreement? What if something comes up between now and the deadline and you can’t produce a quality…

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  • traditional publish Why I Waited for a Traditional Publisher

    by Cindy Sproles @cindydevoted You've heard it, and I’ve said it a hundred times. What’s your rush to publish? I, better than anyone, know what it’s like to wait. I know how hard and frustrating it can be. My writing journey to publication took seven years. I get it. When…

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