Tagged: BRMCWC

  • friends blueridgeconference.com This is your Tribe

    by Bethany Jett, @BetJett Whenever someone asks me for advice on getting published, my first response is almost always, "Go to a writers conference." This is for several reasons: to learn the craft, to pitch your work, to network with industry professionals, to get some alone time, to gain clarity…

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  • Social Media Marketing & Branding

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson I know it seems that the to-do list of an author goes on and on. But in short, the answer is yes. We each need an author newsletter in addition to the connections we’re making on social media. The reason for this is simple, we don’t…

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  • Sneak Peek at the 2017 BRMCWC Faculty

    I know you’re going to be as excited as we are when you see some of the people who will be joining us as faculty at the 2017 BRMCWC. Before you get too excited, make note. This isn’t the final list, so expect more updates soon! Again, this is NOT…

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  • Writers: Know Your Hooks, Lines, and Sinkers

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I bet you’re thinking that this article is about fishing. Well it is, and it isn’t. We all have our favorite novels, rich stories that send us into the lives of our characters—and even become our friends. We’re walking with them, sharing their joys and sorrows,…

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  • Welcome to Livestreaming: Facebook Live

    by Bethany Jett, @BetJett The livestreaming community went into a state of momentary shock when major player Blab.im said "buh-bye for now" and went offline two weeks ago. According to their farewell blog post, they'd "gone from 0 users to 3.9 million users in less than one year." 3.9 million…

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  • Social Media, Marketing & Branding

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Recently I’ve been reminded what a small world publishing really is. Even if we don’t actually know each other, it’s likely that we have friends and associates in common. Because it’s such a small world, it’s important for us to all pay attention to how we interact,…

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