Tagged: BRMCWC

  • If Finding An Agent is Like a Bullseye, How Do I Hit It?

    by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel Have you ever felt like you were trying to hit a marker when it comes to getting an agent and wonder how you’ll get there? Recently, my 13-year-old daughter and I had the chance to try out archery. I’ll wager it had been since I was…

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  • Transform Your Dialogue Using Screenwriting Techniques

    By Leilani Squires When I edit novels, the two comments I most commonly make are, “All the characters sound the same” and “The dialogue is too stiff.” To solve these issues, try using some screenwriting techniques:  Listen You experience a movie through what is seen and heard. Our ears have…

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  • Procrastinators Unite! Later

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I think I told you I’m a procrastinator, right? Or did I put that off? The good news is, I’m pretty sure I now have my plan in place for dealing with Y2K. The other day I was pondering my reasons for procrastinating. And by “pondering my…

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  • God’s Favor in Your Writing Life 

    by Josie Siler @josie_siler The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference may be in the rear view mirror, but the impact of the week will remain in signposts along the road ahead for quite some time. If you attended the conference, you probably remember Linda Goldfarb’s question. She asked attendees…

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  • Finding a Writing Mentor

    By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted "I hired a mentor. It was the best thing I'd ever done." Those words were music to my ears because I'd just done the same thing to help me content edit my novel. Why is a writing mentor necessary? Well, it's not NECESSARY, but it is…

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  • Transitioning to Storyland

    By Darlene L. Turner @darlenelturner So no matter what your task is, work hard. Always do your best as the Lord’s servant, not as man’s. Colossians 3:23 (VOICE) I think we can all agree, these past couple of years are ones we won’t forget. I know friends who’ve lost loved ones, jobs, struggled…

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