What Lifesaving Taught Me About Writing
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I am a fish, at least that is what my dad said. My parents worked at a private lake. At the age of four, my father threw me in the water over my head to teach me to swim. (I do not recommend his methods). I…
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How to Write Your Book’s Competitive Analysis
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites Agent’s and publishers scan the Competitive Analysis section of a proposal to see if your book is similar enough to published books, yet different enough to grab those reader’s attention. It provides information on how well your book might sell. Publishers and agents love to a…
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Don’t Slap the Editor
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I love my job (most of the time)! People entrust their chubby, well-loved baby to me. As a doctor, I give a thorough examination. I find every pimple, wart, and imperfection. Some babies have a few normal blemishes while others have the measles. What's a physician to…
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Different Ability Vs. Disability And How They Relate To Our Writing
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I couldn’t concentrate. After years of research and my son’s diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), I finally had the answer to my fidgeting, unfinished projects, and my urge to blurt things out during a conversation for fear the words would escape me. I too have…
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Writer, Are You Against the Red Sea
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites I did not know what to write this month. Oh, I started three blog posts. They are tucked away in my BRMCWC Works in Progress folder. I almost hit send on a blog about stress. God stopped me. He wants me to ask you the same…
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Writer, Your Platform Includes More Than Social Media
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites “She loves my book but I need to build my platform.” A conferee said after she left the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference appointment room. “Tell me about yourself,” I said. After I asked my new friend a few questions I said, “Now you can…
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