Eleven Tidbits of Wisdom from Top Christian Writers
By Cindy Sproles, @CindySproles I’ve been blessed to attend and teach at scads of Christian writers conferences. My habit is to always purchase the cds or mp3s of every conference so I’m able to continue to learn from the masters. Gleaning through their wisdom is like a refreshing spring…
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Present Yourself Approved
by Cindy Sproles, @CindyDevoted Conferences are wonderful. There's no other way to explain the benefits other than saying you must attend. Attending a conference allows the writer, whether new or seasoned, to interact with their peers, network with editors and publishers, and sharpen their writing skills. The goal is to…
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Must Do’s At a Conference
By Cindy Sproles, @CindyDevoted There are must do’s at a conference and with conference time is upon us, I wanted to help you prepare. I don’t know about you, but I’ve already directed the Asheville Christian Writers Conference, taught at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, and the Carolina Christian…
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Birthing a Book
Cindy Sproles, @CindyDevoted Any parent having experienced the birth of a child, either by giving birth or simply being a part of it, will say the process is hard. Labor can begin days before birth and the closer the event approaches, the more painful the process. Plain and simple,…
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Five Ways to Clean Up Your Writing Work Schedule
By Cindy Sproles, @CindyDevoted It was just one more thing for me to do. "I trust you can manage this." A friend called and dumped her work on me because she’d over committed herself. She was stressed, upset. I did feel for her. Impulse kicked in, and I said yes…
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Five Steps to Revitalizing Your Writing Creativity
By Cindy Sproles, @CindyDevoted It happens. Sometimes the words simply dry up. It’s not writer’s block. You have ideas. There are sentences that hit the page – but when they say nothing . . . when words just don’t flow as they should. What then? Writers are abundantly creative and…
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