Tagged: DiAnn Mills

  • One of A Writer’s Hidden Treasure is Symbolism: Part 2

    @DiAnnMills Symbolism is a tangible items that means something psychologically to the character—and translates to the reader the same emotional response. James Scott Bell states, “From the start, we have a connection . . . .” The character(s) and the reader form an attachment to an object that no longer…

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  • One of A Writer’s Hidden Treasure is Symbolism: Part 1

    @DiAnnMills Writers often struggle with how to incorporate symbolism into their novels or if it’s even necessary. How does it fit into premise and theme? Does it heighten emotion? Does it encourage the reader to see beyond the obvious? Is it part of the story line? How does a writer…

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  • What is Your Writing Attitude?

    @DiAnnMills A new writer started an online platform. She established a website, a presence on facebook and twitter, wrote a weekly blog post that showed her expertise and passion, and asked open-ended questions. She followed the experts and generally prioritized readers by focusing on transparency while practicing professionalism. She believed…

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  • What’s Stopping You from Creating a Great Story?

    @DiAnnMills Are you a writer who dreams about creating a great story with characters who live beyond the realm of time and place? Does your mind twist and turn with plot scenarios? Do snippets of dialogue play out before your mind, and oh, the setting ideas.  But something keeps holding…

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  • Partner with Bookstores Using These 5 Suggestions

    @DiAnnMills We’ve successfully written a book and prepared it for publication. We’ve labored through edits and sometimes rewrites. We’re pleased with the cover. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="#writing #marketing #pubtip"]Partner with Bookstores Using These 5 Suggestions from @DiAnnMills on @BRMCWC[/tweet_box] We’ve developed a marketing and promotion campaign that reflects our passion…

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  • The Sacred Adventure of Writing

    @DiAnnMills We are on an adventure called life. From the day we are born until God calls us home, we are given special interests that define our purpose and mold our personalities. Writing is our sacred adventure. Writers share a special path because we’ve been gifted with the creative skill…

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