Tagged: DiAnn Mills

  • Finding Your Character’s Blindspot

    @DiAnnMills Every character has a blind spot, an area where he/she is most vulnerable. Within that emotional darkness, he lacks understanding, ignores the situation, or is unaware of potential harm. Through a series of planned deception, the opposition successfully deceives and manipulates the character. The consequences are often devastating. The…

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  • 5 Keys for Writers to Unlock Social Media

    @DiAnnMills Many writers believe social media has too much of a learning curve. They struggle between fear and where to look for instruction. The thought of developing content, discovering readers, and diving into analytics drives them to ignore the disastrous D’s of unlocking social media. Publishers urge writers to get…

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  • Happy 243rd Birthday, America!

    @DiAnnMills [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="#JulyFourth #writing"]Happy 243rd Birthday America! @DiAnnMills on @BRMCWC [/tweet_box] DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She creates action-packed, suspense-filled novels to thrill readers. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and…

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  • Evaluate How the Characters You Write Show Sacrifice

    DiAnnMills Our characters are plunged into an unsteady world brimming with high stakes and a strong potential for failure. The character chooses to go after a goal or solve a problem and is determined to do whatever it takes to succeed. But does the character understand that determination and commitment…

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  • For Writers: What is in Your Character’s Lifeboat?

    @DiAnnMills Many of our characters have a lifeboat filled with tangible items and memories that help them survive challenges. This is where a character travels when the storms of life gather and blow. The psychological connections keep the character grounded, inspired, on-task, encouraged, entertained, pacified, and motivated.  Sometimes the item…

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  • Get Familiar with the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Digital App

    We have an App for That and IT’S LIVE! The featured picture for this post is the homepage of the app. Today I’m going to give you a tour of the Blue Ridge Conference app to help you get familiar with all it can to do make your conference experience…

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