Tagged: DiAnn Mills

  • Faculty & Classes for 2017

    We're excited to introduce you to our faculty and classes for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference 2017.   The listings are in alphabetical order, and this information  is also now up on the Faculty and Classes tab at the top of the page. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="#writing #pubtip…

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  • Does Social Media Sell Books?

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Whenever I speak about the value of social media, writers groan, frown, and complain. Too many writers are not willing to get past the learning curve needed to develop their brand. My response is always a focus on a writer’s life requiring flexibility to learn craft,…

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  • 5 Habits of a Successful Writer

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Emulating writers whose careers have soared into bestselling status provides us with amazing role models. We look for a road map with precise steps and no detours to accomplish the same goals. But every writer is different, and the destination isn’t always achieved the same way.…

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  • How to Write Killer Emotions

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writing killer emotions means the writer understands a character’s unique temperament, wants, needs, flaws, desires, goals, challenges, and backstory. With these traits, a writer fills the pages with the character’s deepest of feelings. Experts state that up to 90% of communication is nonverbal. Character driven body…

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  • Evaluating Your Writing Goals

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Evaluating our professional writing life can leave us at a crossroad. Do we continue with the same social media, marketing, and branding methods as 2016, or do we dive into new or enhanced methods that have the potential to raise our visibility? How does a writer…

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  • How Writers Celebrate Meeting Deadlines

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Last week I wrote about How Writers Approach Deadlines, how a professional writer creates quality books while meeting contractual targets. Writers establish good organizational habits the moment they choose to open the door to goals and dreams and plan how to make them happen. We work…

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