How To Ask Your Characters The Hard Questions
@DiAnnMills Some of our character’s traits are easy to discover. Physical description, food preference, a career choice, favorite color or food, wants, goals, and other basic attributes that can be revealed in a non-threatening manner. Life experiences that had painful physical, mental, or emotional outcomes are often hidden beneath a…
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Encouragement for the Discouraged Writer
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We all face discouragement that threatens our writing life. Life happenings affect creativity, and we need a treasure box of faith-filled resources to remind us God is with us and for us. He wants His best for everything we say, write, and do. First, we must…
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Enhancing Story Through Your Character’s Whims
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Exploring our character’s whims gives the writer insight into juicy morsels of personality and unusual plot points. Impulses, sudden desires, and uncharacteristic actions show our character is real. Reader can experience the story through an original outlook on life, identify with someone they know, or see…
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Whodunnit – Discovering the Antagonist in Your Writing
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A reader asked me how I discover the antagonist when I write a story. The short answer is: discovering the bad guy or guys is as much a surprise to me as the characters and the reader. For those of you who know me … and…
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What does Forgiveness Mean to My Character?
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Our characters experience life, and that means they can be wronged or they wrong someone else. Forgiveness can be a difficult task either for someone else or ourselves. It’s an intentional and conscious decision to get rid of resentment, hatred, or desire for revenge. When a…
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Creativity – The Heart of God’s Writers
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Genesis 1:26 tells us we are created in the image of God. To grasp what this means to writers, I would like to explore three critical points why the gift of writing is critical to reflecting a Christian worldview. This will help define the joy and…
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