We All Cry Over Our Books
by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn When I was pursuing publication, there were many days when I stared at my computer in despair. I longed for the days when the steep learning curve was over. I dreamed of sitting down at my computer and pounding out words with confidence and clarity. Oh,…
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Writing by Ash Wind
by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn For the past eighteen months, I’ve been writing by ash wind. Do you know this term? To do something by ash wind? It’s an expression I just heard a few weeks ago. It’s an old sailing term—to sail by ash wind—and the moment I learned of…
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Writing Acknowledgments
by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn I recently wrote the acknowledgments section for my new release. It’s a process fraught with emotion for me because I’m terrified I’ll forget someone who provided crucial assistance and it will be a faux pax from which I can never recover. I typically take it very…
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Writing Lessons from the Orthodontist
by Lynn Blackburn @LYNNHBLACKBURN I’m a firm believer that you can learn lessons about your writing life anywhere—as long as you’re paying attention. Case in point? I got the idea for this blog post from taking my oldest to three different orthodontists. Stay with me. My daughter has disabilities and nothing—nothing—is…
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A Writer Moment
by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn I never dreamed that we would be one of “those” families—the kind whose kids have sports almost every night of the week. But then I had boys and they turned into ballplayers. Flag football, basketball, baseball. They can’t get enough. And the truth is, neither…
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There’s no way I could have written them…But God
by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn I recently returned from a vacation where for three days I didn’t do much of anything but read. It was glorious. I loved the books I brought with me. I inhaled them. I fell in love with the characters and the places and the ideas.…
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