Tagged: Rhonda Rhea

  • Packing a Peace

    @RhondaRhea How is it for any given trip, I can over-pack and under-pack at the same time? How? It’s so weird when I arrive at a destination and open up my suitcase. Thirty-eight scarves for a three-day event. But no toothpaste. Two sleeves of snack crackers? And that running shoe.…

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  • No Counterfeit Chocolate—No Counterfeit Love

    @RhondaRhea When I was a kid, I always wondered why anyone would ever choose Frankenberry over Count Chocula. Because…chocolate. That was my entire reason. Of course, even though I was only a kid, I still instinctively knew that cereal chocolate didn’t really count as true chocolate. It was actually the…

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  • The Perfect Centerpiece

    @RhondaRhea There’s hardly anything I enjoy more than a good meal. That’s probably why I don’t cook much.I guess that’s also why I love, love, love whoever it was who invented the marvelous, miraculous…frozen dinner.What a genius! I owe this person. Everyone talks about those fancy ice sculptures. But me?…

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  • Thread Count vs. Crumb Count vs. What Really Counts

    @RhondaRhea People get pretty caught up in the thread count of their sheets these days. I still say the crumb count is a lot bigger deal. Not that I’m one to snack in bed much, mind you. Mostly because I’m not a big fan of sheets that double as an exfoliator.…

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  • Ready or Not, Here He Comes!

    @RhondaRhea For many years, my three sons shared a bathroom. Three. Sons. They shared that bathroom through their teen years. Getting a visual here? Three teen guys in one bathroom. I never really watched the entire Psycho movie but I heard there was a bad shower scene. If the makers of…

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  • And That’s a Rap

    @RhondaRhea I was trying to get the last chocolate chip at the bottom of the smoothie with a straw—and who knew I could beatbox? So I figure my only course now is to write a rap. What possible other choice do I have? I’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes…

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