Tagged: Rhonda Rhea

  • Everything to Lose/Everything to Gain

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I’m always so sincere when I say I’m only going to eat one of your fries. Like, I really do believe it. I think I believe it right up until I grab that next fry. Most of the time, I don’t blame myself. Is it okay if…

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  • Delight for the Takety-Take-Taking

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I feel you should know that if you hand me a tennis racket, it’s already a pretend guitar. And though I’m not a hard-rocker, my pretend guitar only plays imaginary hard rock. No matter how incongruent that looks on me, I will play it. With eyes-closed and…

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  • Driven to Gladness 

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea It looked like the sideview outline of a little robot ducky head. Sort of cute, really. I was shocked when somebody told me it’s the check engine light. That light doesn’t literally mean to check the engine, though, right? Because I feel like my engine is still…

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  • Procrastinators Unite! Later

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I think I told you I’m a procrastinator, right? Or did I put that off? The good news is, I’m pretty sure I now have my plan in place for dealing with Y2K. The other day I was pondering my reasons for procrastinating. And by “pondering my…

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  • Power Surging

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea The other night I was jolted out of bed by one of those monstrous thunder cracks. I think you can still see the fingernail marks on the ceiling over my bed. It was one of those rattle-the-windows, race-the-heart, vibrate-you-right-down-to-the-spirit kind of thunder explosions. I sensed people all…

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  • Find This Hard to Swallow? 

    by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea She swallowed them. Swallowed ‘em right down. My daughter Kaley and I were working on a book together. I traveled the four hours to her place, and on day two of hunkering down in her apartment for a week of writing, I came down with an ick…

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