Tagged: Social Media for Writers

  • 17 Scariest Things About Social Media

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson It's October and in honor of Halloween, I just couldn't resist a tongue-in-cheek post about something scary. After spending the fall traveling and teaching social media I have plenty of fears to share. Lest you think this is me pointing fingers, let me reassure you. EVERY…

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  • A Healthy Perspective on Social Media for Christian Writers

    @Tamela_Murray Lately I’ve been seeing articles about how some people find personal status updates on Facebook and other social media depressing. Apparently people put on their best “faces” so their lives seem better than yours. Most of these articles aren’t written from a Christian perspective, so they ignore the fact…

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  • A Novelist’s Christmas

    Up on a bookshelf A reader’s list Filled with Christmas Novels as gifts. Down through the aisles With lots of books, All with metaphors and crazy hooks. Ho Ho Ho A writer would know. Ho Ho Ho A writer would know. Oh, up on a bookshelf Click Click Click Down…

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  • audience for writers 7 Things Your Target Audience Needs to Hear

    by DiAnn Mills @diannmills Meeting reader needs can be a daunting task, which is one of the reasons why The Author Roadmap is dedicated to helping you be a success with social media while creating writing projects. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="@diannmills on @brmcwc #pubtips #writing"]7 Things Your Target Audience Needs…

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  • social media platform Does Social Media Sell Books?

    by DiAnn Mills @diannmills Whenever I speak about the value of social media, writers groan, frown, and complain. Too many writers are not willing to get past the learning curve needed to develop their brand. My response is always that a writer’s life requires flexibility to learn craft, marketing, publishing,…

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  • Want to Create a Successful Book Launch?

    By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Every great book deserves a successful book launch. The techniques used for the campaign are the writer’s opportunity to shine a light on a new writing project. Let's face it; we writers are excited, passionate about our stories and subject matter. We embrace words, brainstorming sessions,…

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