Can You Get Published if You’re a “Nobody”?
by Maggie Wallem Rowe Last month in this space, we talked about the problem of platform – will a publisher be interested in your work without a big one? (For a refresher, click here.) But before you even begin to build a platform, you need to establish your identity as…
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You’ve Got Your Topic: Now Let’s Build Your Tribe!
by Blythe Daniel @BlytheDaniel I remember when I felt a part of an important tribe. I was 6 weeks pregnant with twins and my mom and I set foot in the Moms of Multiples kids sale in an enormous building with every piece of clothing, gadget, and gear you’d ever…
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Amazon Marketing Services For Writers
Vincent B. Davis II, @vbdavisii Imagine walking into a bookstore. Recall the warm smell of roasting coffee beans, the quiet chatter of baristas and bookstore clerks. But what’s the first thing you see? Most of us take a moment to check out the displays at the front of a bookstore.…
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Four Strategies For Marketing Your Writing
By Amy Bright @AmyBrightwriter Marketing is the full-time job many novelists never expected to have! Marketing, in fact, can keep authors from moving forward as they fear they’ll have to spend precious time on their marketing content instead of their fiction or devotionals or other callings. Rather than looking at…
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The Shy Writing Marketer
by Linda Gilden @LindaGilden Many writers feel that once they put the last period on their manuscripts their jobs are finished. All they have to do is email it to the publisher. But that is not quite the case. If you have written a book lately, you know that one…
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Building Your Writing Brand
By JP Robinson @JPRobinsonBooks Indie authors often want to know how to build a writing brand. There are actually two sides of being a successful author: the writing side and the business side. The writing side is self-evident, but many authors are surprised to learn that there is also a…
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