Tagged: Theresa Parker Pierce

  • How Writers Can Get More Speaking Opportunities

    By Theresa Parker Pierce @rowanhistory When I am giving a tour or other presenting to groups, people often ask how I got started. They say, “I would love doing this.” So, here is my short answer. Walk into your local museum and ask, “Do you take volunteers?” Twenty-three years ago,…

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  • Top Ten Reasons to Sign Up for BRMCWC

    By Theresa Parker Pierce @rowanhistory Worship. One of my biggest surprises was when I went to Ridgecrest in person. They have wonderful worship leaders, messages and inspirational speakers. Some are funny. Others get you to think. All are worth your time. Don’t miss a thing. Eat delicious food with an…

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  • What I’ve Learned About Writing As a Newbie Writer

    By Theresa Parker Pierce @rowanhistory Isaiah 28:10 “For precept must be upon precept; line upon line; here a little, and there a little:” KJV As a former teacher I have written most of my life but in retirement, I decided to pursue it further. Much wisdom has been departed to…

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