Tricks and Treats of the Writing Business
by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales Writing can be a tricky business, but there are many treats along the way ... if we're willing to seek them out. First, we must get into costume. It's time to put our thick skin on (I picture a rhino. Or maybe a dinosaur? Better…
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6 Things Every Writer Should Do Before the End of the Year
by Brad Bloom You know how this is goes. You’re right on the cusp of the holiday season. The end of the year is nigh (sort of KJV for near). Then, it’s “Happy New Year,” and before you know it, you’ll be headed to the 2019 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian…
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Writer, Keep a Tight Lid On Your Hunger
by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea I know I’ve complained about the state of my refrigerator before, but I’ve found a way to have a better attitude about it. When I get ready to put something in there, I just psych myself up for a challenging game of food Jenga. It’s amazing…
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Which Publishing Journey Would You Prefer?
by Tamela Hancock Murray @Tamela_Murray Sometimes I’ll have one of those days where I’m minding my own business, when I pick up the phone to discover the author on the other end of the line is irate. (No, this is not a rerun of an article from the 20th century.…
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13 Things to Remember about Being a Writer
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Choosing to stand up and be identified as a writer can be a scary thing. The road is rarely a straight path to publication. These are some things that I hope will help you stay the course as you continue on your own writing journey. [tweet_box…
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Writer, Worry Can Strangle Your Soul
by Lucinda Secrest McDowell @LucindaSMcDowel When I arrived home from the conference Sunday evening, I realized a hitchhiker had accompanied me in the door. His name was Worry. At once, he set to work bringing up all those things that had conveniently been dormant while I had focused on an…
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