13 Things to Remember about Being a Writer
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Choosing to stand up and be identified as a writer can be a scary thing. The road is rarely a straight path to publication. These are some things that I hope will help you stay the course as you continue on your own writing journey. [tweet_box…
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For Want of a Better Word
by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea Some people seem to have a way with words. Words, sentences, paragraphs—they all just flow out of those people, all polished and pretty. The fact that I don’t despise those people is a testament to how truly spiritual I am. (If you’re not rolling your eyes…
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Tiny Seeds of Writing Faith
by Sarah Van Diest @SarahVanDiest The faith of a mustard seed is small, yes? Quite small. I wonder if this kind of faith is any more than just a simple hope that what we long for might possibly happen. If asked, we could hardly identify our tiny seed as faith…
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Writer, Worry Can Strangle Your Soul
by Lucinda Secrest McDowell @LucindaSMcDowel When I arrived home from the conference Sunday evening, I realized a hitchhiker had accompanied me in the door. His name was Worry. At once, he set to work bringing up all those things that had conveniently been dormant while I had focused on an…
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I Am a Writer of Hope
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Being a writer of hope is something I’ve made a deliberate effort to become. I think it’s something we all should consider. There is so much in our world these days that can lead to hopelessness if we let it. Because our business is words, we…
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3 Ways to Keep the Writing Dream Alive
by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales Around nine years ago, I had a midlife crisis. It wasn't big. It wasn't drawn out. I didn't go into a deep depression and want to hide in my bed. It was more like a blip on the radar of my life. I'd been serving…
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