Type Your Characters Part 9 – Enneagram 8
by Lindsey Brackett @LindsBrac I hope these short introductions into the Enneagram are helping you understand your characters and relationships better. Remember, we all carry tendencies of the nine different types, making us (and our characters) incredibly complex. But rather than focus on personality traits, the Enneagram begs you to…
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Creating Emotional Distance
by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Varying degrees of point of view (POV) allows the writer to establish emotional distance between the reader and the character. The distance is set in direct relationship to the role the character plays in the story, the mood, and voice. The POV character takes the spotlight…
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Choose Wisely When Writing
by Ramona Richards @RamonaRichards It’s the one thing that will keep writers up at night, haunted with questions. It’ll make us want to pick apart a scene, even after it’s been submitted and sitting happily on the editor’s desk. It makes us second-guess our wisdom, our knowledge, and our skill.…
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What is Your Character’s Love Language?
by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Determining our character’s love language is a step forward in understanding the psychological landscape. Personality preference indicates the extent of introvert or extravert, how the character communicates, views life, and interprets the world around him/her. But a love language gives us insight into understanding one of…
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Type Your Characters – Part 8: Enneagram Seven
by Lindsey Brackett @LindsBrac With the start of a new year—a new decade!—you’ve likely had your inbox inundated with information on how to be your best self. Whether you’re actively seeking self-reflection or merely deep diving so you can develop more authentic characters, I can’t recommend an Enneagram study enough. If…
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Are Your Blog Posts U.N.I.Q.U.E
by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills A savvy writer longs for a project that captures a reader’s attention. We want to stand out among the blog posts and articles that fill online sources. How does a writer choose a topic marked for success? Try the following acrostic for unique to help you…
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