Tagged: Writing Tips

  • 11 Ways to Ensure You’re not a Turkey-Writer

    @DiAnnMills 'Tis the season of the turkey. If you enjoy eating the Thanksgiving bird, then you love the season. If you’re the turkey, well not so much. You’ve probably spent the past year hatching ways to disguise yourself. For the turkey, I commend his ingenuity. For the turkey-writer, well not…

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  • 4 Easy Steps to Using an Outline

    by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 Outlines are our friends, or are they? I loved making outlines in my seminary class because they provided structure for the speeches I prepared. Things changed. In recent years, I dreaded making outlines as I wrote books and blog posts. They seemed to confine the feeling…

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  • plot point a to b Take Your Foot Off the Gas: Fiction from Point A to Point B

    by Aaron Gansky @adgansky When an idea for a novel pops into our minds, the first thing we like to do is flesh out a few major plot points, which is fine. But, it can become a problem when we race our characters from one place to the next simply…

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  • invisibility authors Discover Your Writing Superpower: Invisibility

    by Aaron Gansky @adgansky You hear writers often mention the “fictive dream.” John Gardner called it a “vivid and continuous dream.” It’s a term used to describe a simple principle: no one wants to read a book. There, I said it. Man, it feels good to get that off my…

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  • prep writers Prep for the Writing Journey

    by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales As the Carolinas prepare for Hurricane Florence this week, we are reminded that there are things to do and have in place before she arrives, things to do when she arrives, and things to do after she dies out. As writers, it's important to recognize…

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  • remember writer 13 Things to Remember about Being a Writer

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson  Choosing to stand up and be identified as a writer can be a scary thing. The road is rarely a straight path to publication. These are some things that I hope will help you stay the course as you continue on your own writing journey. [tweet_box…

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