Why Twitter is a Good Fit for Most Writers
By Edie Melson @EdieMelson I remember the first time I ventured onto twitter. It’s an intimidating site, full of unfamiliar terms and strange rules. Beyond that, the more people I followed, the more confusing the newsfeed became. To my untrained eye, all those 140 character bursts were just disjointed and…
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My First Book
By Sarah Van Diest, @SarahVanDiest I never intended to write a book. That wasn't my goal. My goal was rather small and simple, intimate and private. A friend was in pain and there was nothing I could do to stop the hurt, but I could pray and I could write.…
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Writing Coaches – Yea or Nay
By Cindy K. Sproles @CindyDevoted Conferences are the best. Sure, they cost a little money…well, a bit of money, but if you are serious about your writing career then this is an expense you can’t afford to miss. Since Covid hit in 2020, many conferences were either shut down or…
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5 Blessings of Writing through Your Grief
by Alycia W. Morales @AlyciaMorales As many of you know, my 19-year-old son, Caleb, died this past January. It was sudden and unexpected, and that has entirely affected the months following. Especially my writing. I pray every November and December and ask God to give me a word for the upcoming…
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Prepare for Our Writing Tuskegee
by Sandy Kirby Quandt @SandyKQuandt Two of my unpublished books are on the Tuskegee Airmen, Red Tails, of World War II. While researching the Airmen’s story, I found a quote by General Chappie James which, although it referenced the Airmen applies, I believe, to writers as well. General James said,…
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Three Ideas for Scripture-Based Blogging
by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 A new year means fifty-two new blog posts to plan. Fifty-two! Or less if you blog every other week. Regardless, that is a lot of posts. The excitement of a new year brings joy, especially with the hopes of a vaccine in this pandemic. But how…
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