5 Ways to Destroy a Writing Career
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills Writers daily receive blog posts that offer advice to build their careers. The publishing world has many sides, and each facet needs attention. We read— How to be successful How to sell more books How to strengthen characterization or content How to research and interview How to…
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Favorite Fiction Writing Books
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills I have my favorite fiction writing books, and I’m sure you do too. The following are my go-to resources. One or more may be yours too. Suggested Resources The Emotion Thesaurus Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi The Emotional Wound Thesaurus Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi The…
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Why Does an Agent Need My Book Proposal?
by Tamela Hancock Murray@Tamela_Murray Recently, my assistant had a conversation with an author who did not send a complete proposal. The author was referred to our guidelines and gently reminded that we needed more material in order to make an evaluation. But instead of saying “thank you” for the guidance, the author…
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The Big, Bad Writing Proposal
by @RamonaRichards I’ve yet to meet a writer who loves turning 85,000 words into one page. Or asking their friends to help sell their book. Or digging through pages of online retailers or catalogs to figure out who has a book “just like mine but not exactly.” I know there…
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Six Writing Submission Dos and Don’ts
By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted Learning the skill of writing comes with a lot of vague areas. For example, writing on a publishable level is different than writing a college paper. To clarify, the grammar doesn’t change but the styles are two different bears. There are times that the only way…
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Staying Focused on Your Writing During a Pandemic
By Dr. Chrissy Whiting-Madison @joyfulgurly The other day I overheard someone say, “I am really tired of living through a major historical event.” His words, although somewhat amusing, resonated with me. Even for someone who is motivated and strong, this period in history is challenging. Research suggests that just uncertainty alone wreaks…
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