Never Too Late to Promote Your Book
by Terry Whalin @TerryWhalin As an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing, I've worked with many different authors on launching and promoting their books. As a reader, I've been on a number of launch teams, received, read and reviewed advance reader copies (ARCs) of many books. As a writer, I've…
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7 Book Marketing Secrets Every Author Should Know
by Edie Melson @EdieMelson Last year I launched two books and signed a contract for four more in the next two years. This year, I launched two more books and am about to sign a contract for several more. Over the course of my career I have published through big…
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The Researcher’s Creed
by Lisa Carter @LisaCarter27 Readers often ask what kind of research I do for my novels. First, I read everything I can regarding factual topics and law enforcement issues before I ever speak with LE officials. Once I’ve done this and feel I'm ready to ask semi-intelligent questions, I turn…
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Writing Great Characters
by Tamela Hancock Murray @Tamela_Murray While people supposedly have more leisure time than ever, the dream doesn’t always match reality. Readers looking for entertainment have more options than ever. So when you write your novel, take the time to give careful consideration to creating your characters. Ask: Does the character…
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Go Deeper When You Write With These 10 Tips
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We writers want to see our manuscripts published. We work hard on blogs, articles, devotions, fiction, and nonfiction projects. And we are always looking for new techniques to strengthen our message. The following 10 suggestions can help every writer create a more powerful project. [tweet_box design="default"…
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The Value of Making Memes for Writers
by Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted “Meme me, Nana!” My six-year-old grandson struck a pose with his Papaw. “Take a picture and meme me.” I’m not sure which is more fun, my grandson or the fact he actually knew what a meme was. I snapped his picture as he held a stick…
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