Tagged: Writing

  • Shut Up Satan! (Overcoming Writer’s Doubt and the Voices in My Head)

    By Rachael M. Colby @RachaelColby7 Oh, the angst, the war to write. For me, writer’s doubt is an everyday wrestling with the Accuser. “You're out of your league. You don't fit,” the Enemy says. Yes, but I need to put myself in the company of able guides, those ahead of me…

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  • How to Organize Your Writing Schedule—Prioritize Rest

    By @JennyLCote I’m often asked, “How do you organize your writing schedule? Do you designate a certain amount of hours in a day? Do you get up early or write in the middle of the night?” My answer is that, for six days a week, any hour is fair game.…

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  • When is a Writer a Writer?

    By Heather Kreke @HKreke Webster’s dictionary defines a writer as “one  who writes.” It’s so easy for me to forget the  real meaning. When my husband or close friends say, “She’s a writer.” I tend to shy away from the title because most times I don’t believe it’s true. Published…

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  • Focus On Your Writing

    By Darlene L. Turner @darlenelturner Some say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if the picture was blurry and out of focus? It’s worthless. Or is it? Have you noticed when you first press the screen on your phone to take a picture, it goes fuzzy before taking…

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  • 19 Things to Remember When Publishing Doesn’t Go Your Way

    by Edie Melson @EdieMelson It’s easy to get discouraged in the writing industry. It’s a tough business, and as they say on Project runway, “One day you’re in, and one day you’re out.” So what's a writer to do? [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="- @EdieMelson on @BRMCWC #writing #writerslife"]Things to Remember When Publishing Doesn't…

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  • Writing Coaches – Yea or Nay

    By Cindy K. Sproles @CindyDevoted Conferences are the best. Sure, they cost a little money…well, a bit of money, but if you are serious about your writing career then this is an expense you can’t afford to miss. Since Covid hit in 2020, many conferences were either shut down or…

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