My First Book
By Sarah Van Diest, @SarahVanDiest I never intended to write a book. That wasn't my goal. My goal was rather small and simple, intimate and private. A friend was in pain and there was nothing I could do to stop the hurt, but I could pray and I could write.…
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Why Writers Should Start A Facebook Group
by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 Community, comradery, and conversation—three c’s that motivate us to join a group, whether it’s in person or online. Through this pandemic, I have never been as grateful for technology and the way it connects us. And the Facebook groups I’m in? Priceless. A way to stay…
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Writer, do you need to W.A.I.T.?
By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites Thank you for reading this post. Most people hate to wait. I know I do. Microwave popcorn takes too long for me. So what do you do as you wait to hear from your agent. The scenario: It’s been two weeks since your agent sent your…
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Encouragement for the Discouraged Writer
By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills We all face discouragement that threatens our writing life. Life happenings affect creativity, and we need a treasure box of faith-filled resources to remind us God is with us and for us. He wants His best for everything we say, write, and do. First, we must…
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10 Tips to Simplify Your Writing Life
By Edie Melson @EdieMelson So often we make things harder than they have to be. Sometimes we do it because we’re used to doing things a certain way, or because it’s the only way we know how. But things change quickly these days, and it’s always a good thing to…
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Five Ways To Increase Your Writing Productivity
By Leilani Squires The week of writing this post, my deadlines looked like this: Write Article 1 Write Article 2 Write Article 3 Edit 5,177 words Proof a 128-page manuscript Edit 5,861 words Finish/launch website Also, both kiddos were sick, one with “the coughin’s” and one with “the throw-ups.” And…
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