Tagged: Writing

  • Burning Publishing Bridges

    By Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted Publishing is a tough business. There are thousands of writers vying for hundreds of spots for publication. Thank goodness, within the Christian market, there is a level of kindness that supersedes the general market. Here, folks are willing to help you succeed.  But what happens when…

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  • Writer, Use The Power Of Asking

    By W. Terry Whalin @terrywhalin As a writer, there is a great deal which is outside of our control. Publishers, editors, booksellers, agents and others in the industry appear to have much more control and power than writers. I want to give you some action-oriented ideas how you can use the…

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    By Aaron Gansky @ADGansky Recently, we made a painful decision to part with a close family member: satellite television service. The good news is that we haven’t missed it. Instead, we reallocated our funds, partially, to season passes to Disneyland. There are several reasons why we chose to do this,…

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  • Where Are You On The Writing Trail

    by Lynn H. Blackburn @LynnHBlackburn One of my family’s favorite things to do is to ride the Virginia Creeper Trail. Built on an old railroad bed, the Virginia Creeper Trail offers a unique biking experience. Seventeen miles. Downhill. Really. [tweet_box design="default" float="none" inject="@LynnHBlackburn on @BRMCWC #writerslife #pubtips"]Where are you on…

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  • 8 Keys to Make Your Writing Sing

    by Katy Kauffman @KatyKauffman28 A silent plea to stand fills my heart every time. When I hear a soul-stirring song in a church service, I want to stand up. It just feels right. To show my solidarity for God and the words of the song and the power of the…

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  • Writer, do you P.R.A.Y.?

    By Cherrilynn Bisbano @bisbanowrites My mouth would not stop bleeding.   I had a skin graft taken from the roof of my mouth and placed at the base of a tooth to prevent the loss of that tooth.  The initial surgery was not painful, just uncomfortable.   The surgeon told me…

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